Little Things

Thoughts on 16b


In reading Matthew 5:14-16, I had a thought on 16b. You know, where the Word says, "that they may see your good deeds."

In context, "Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."

I once was reprimanded for trying to include others in a prayer vigil. Many said I shouldn't let others know what I was doing, which scarred my faith for a long time. Over the years, I have remembered the hurt, and I rarely include anyone in my faith projects for fear of my pure motives being seen as boasting.

You can understand how 16b teaches a lesson. But scripture (which I fully believe) says to shine before men so that others might see your good deeds.

My view is that it concerns doing the work without considering what others might say or do. Maybe the only way someone will see Jesus is when our light illuminates their way through and to Kingdom work.

As saved souls through the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we have light. We can't let the world keep him from using us because of what some think or say.

When someone says, "You're just Phyllis." I'll praise HIS creativity and master design.

When someone says, "You are welcome to come, you just can't sparkle or shine." I will radiate from your illumination to include the unwanted.

When I seek to volunteer and am told "they want someone younger, " I will praise you for the breath I am blessed to receive and be thankful for every closed door that allows you in the beauty of opened doors.

Always lead me in your love. Allow me great discernment, my superpower, to avoid landmines.

Are you searching for a light to guide your way today? If so, allow me to share a bit of mine with you. For God so loved the world (you & me) that he made a way to come to us in Jesus so that we might be saved through him. This is for us all. If we don't live Jesus, maybe we don't know him. We aren't of this world. I find peace in this. I hope you do, too.

The lights of a city on a hill cannot be hidden unless there is no life there. Once we ask Jesus into our hearts, our fire (Holy Spirit) is lit. We all can illuminate super bright and often dim, valleys and mountaintops, but when the breath of God blows through us, the flame of hope always brightens our path for his purpose.

We won't all be the lighthouse, but we all can be the still small voice that God will use to reach the person who needs him. God will make us shine and sparkle for his glory.



When we talk Holy, all differences depart.

