Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Psalm 102:27, "But you remain the same, and your years will never end. My sweet daddy is 102, in heaven years, which truly means forever, and through all generations, he lives. This is a hope that we cherish when we lose loved ones. We can't understand God's design for eternity, but we can trust his love. Hesed is God's love for us- covenantal, everlasting, merciful, kind, gracious, tender, never-ending, unchanging, faithful, steadfast.
My earthly father, John Phillip Dayton, introduced me to my Heavenly Father by keeping me in Sunday School and church. There, Believers fed me what I needed to make my decision to accept Christ. My dad died on January 29, 1995. I wrote these words in 2010...
Her Daddy Always Said by Phyllis Dayton Wall
Old as she was, she still missed her daddy sometimes.
I guess because, in his eyes, she was his diamond mine.
Get your Bible, and let's go!
Too many years without her brilliant jewel of a dad.
She has struggled and been more than a tad sad.
Get your Bible, and let's go!
Days go by now faster than before.
Still, his memory knocks on her heart's door.
Get your Bible, and let's go!
She is reminded of the quiet example he laid before her,
Yes ma'am, no ma'am, yes sir, and no sir.
Get your Bible, and let's go!
Without him to polish her stones, she often felt alone.
She found peace through the Hotline to Heaven phone.
Get your Bible, and let's go!
Old as she was, she knew the truth about things.
For her daddy gave his all to give her wings.
Get your Bible, and let's go!
Using her wings, the bells of Heaven chime.
Her daddy's words a reminder each time.
Get your Bible, and let's go!
Reunion time is sooner than not; again they will meet,
Daddy and daughter together at the Savior's feet.
Get your Bible and let's go!