Be the Bright!
Sweet Sisters

Special Moments


1961 Thanksgiving

I was six when I asked Jesus into my heart in 1961. I was Baptized at First Baptist Church, Plainview, Texas when I was eight. I was born into this congregation, and God has never led me away. I worship well with this body of Christ. 

This photo is most special to me. My grandfather, Bo (Hugh), taught me that disabilities create alternate paths to execute our tasks. Me, praying over our Thanksgiving lunch, my grandmother, Cranny (Lucy May), taught me that regardless of what you're faced with, you must find joy. Next is my mother, Lorena, who taught me everything I needed to know to live successfully within my limitations and encouraged me to live big because I was born blessed. I want to think my brother, John, is smiling because he is so proud of his sister, but most likely laughing at me, because isn't this what siblings often do? I am blessed by his being my brother. My dad took the photo—the one with my mom, who made sure I was in worship each week. I know without a doubt that he was proud of me and my decision.

This photo delivers Holy encouragement to me as I remember those God allowed me to grow up most closely with.

