Church Thoughts



"Forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace." ― Jonathan Lockwood Huie


Through my unique design, which includes a different operating system, I have encountered many trials that I don't fully comprehend. Honestly, I lack the ability to understand the uniqueness of social interaction, even though I constantly try to understand. A few get me and allow me to relax and just be me, but overall, the expectations are overwhelming. It is like a performance gone wrong over and over again.

There are things said to me that when I think about them, I pray no one else ever has to be hurt or not understand why anyone would say these things to another. 

My wonderful gift is my relationship with Christ, which carries me through each day. From when I was a little girl until today, God has let me see who to move away from. It isn't that I don't care about the person, but that I understand that they need their space and freedom from me to regain their peace. It is my gift to them. There are so many beautiful people that God blesses my life with, and walking away from a few who can't tolerate me is okay.

Forgiveness is a process, but God always leads me into it perfectly in his timing. Does this mean that I return to places where I'm misunderstood? Sometimes. Most of the time, it is simply a closed door with another opening.

I always ask God if it is well in my soul. Is there anything I have done to cause the hurt I feel? When it is clear that it is well with MY soul, I move on in my service to others. God is so very good.

John 14:27"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid".

I am not of this world. I am a servant of one, with Christ as my Savior and the Holy Spirit who guides me by lifting the veil so that I can see more clearly, I am blessed to serve many.

Oh, I don't forget that I'm a sinner, but I am redeemed. 

As we enter a new year, 2025, my word to focus on will be INTERCONNECTION, a mutual connection between two or more things. I enjoy connecting people to places where their gifts will be used in mighty ways. I enjoy being an encourager. I work well alone, but teamwork is my joy, especially when watching God use a group. I've seen self-centered leadership, and I've witnessed servanthood, and for sure, serving is my jam. I know I can't do anything alone, but through the mighty hands of God, all things are possible. Let's pray together more this new year!



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