Christmas Celebration
Sunday, December 15, 2024
We watched the livestream of the Christmas Celebration performed by the multigenerational choir of First Baptist Church Plainview on Saturday. There is one more performance on Sunday, December 15, 2024.
This is a TV screenshot of the group.
A few things stood out to me that warmed my heart. Kids are kids, and the wiggles, yawns, scratching, not singing, and looking around are priceless. What fun it would be to know what they are thinking. There were lots of tidbit solos from the groups, and the kid's parts were precious. Kids singing about Jesus should create a warm fire in our souls. I could envision the angels on high celebrating these joyous sounds.
You know how teens are trying to make their way, fit in, be liked, etc. The most precious moment, for me, when they were performing was when a young lady leaned in to tell the soloist that she did a good job. That should warm our souls!
We tend to move towards those that feel the words and it shows on their faces. All together, beautiful. Close your eyes and hear Heaven's sound. Open your eyes and be moved by the believers blessed with the sound of music.
Thank you to the musicians, vocalists, sound and light crew, volunteers, etc. The Heavens rejoiced.
The performance may be viewed on the church's website, Facebook, YouTube, and other platforms.