


From the moment I sit down until the closing prayer, I listen to what the Holy Spirit wants me to learn. I write it down when I can. I'm listening when I read, work, play, walk, and talk. And when I lay my head down, I am thankful that my life has been blessed with the goodness of God.

There is so much spiritual value in these thoughts; even though they may seem random, they are woven beautifully.


Lord, you make me glad. You allow your Light to always shine in the darkness.

We are called to freedom in Christ, not for self but for serving others in his name.

The Fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, and self-control. Galatians 5:22-23

To live in Christ is to crucify the flesh, to lay it down, and to stay in step with the Holy Spirit.

Let my amen adore you!

God, I have nothing fit for you. I have no talents, only the gifts you have given me. I'm not a drummer boy, either. The only thing I have to give you is my heart, which longs for you throughout my day.

Calm my soul for your presence. Allow me to be still and be filled by you.

I throw up my hands in praise and open my heart to hear your message.

All day long, interject your story into mine and make it clear.

Holy Forever, we bear YOUR name.

I crave your presence, Lord. I desire, beg, long for, yearn for, thirst for, dream of, set my heart on, aim for, you are my goal/my bucket list, seek, want, hope for, hanker after, wish for, sigh for, pine for, eagerly wait on, and suspire for.

Why go out on a fruit tree limb?  To gather fruit. We must be sure our tree is healthy enough to go out on limbs safely! What do we hunger for? This determines the seeds we plant.

Do we recognize good fruit? Are we willing to put in the work to share with others? This is freedom!!!

Fruits are different. They look different. They taste different. They are all good. They benefit our body in different ways.

Why do we care what others do? What matters is what we do for others.

People walk around being Holy and never smile. We must understand that our thanks lead to giving—and the heart will smile!

We must have the tools for the plan and intentionally know what we will do in every circumstance should we face it. Care for the root, trim the branches, know the steps, hang on and have a strong basket.

If God will use me for one.

An act of God's love is never wasted.

We may never see our prayer come to fruition but pray anyway.


Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Galatians 6:8


Listening and praying ...









