Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Today was a "yellow" day. I took photos of things yellow. In my Ushka's Book, the Blessing Shared, I wrote a little "yellow" something in 2009.
I awoke to a big Yellow sun, Bright as Yellow. The fiery Yellow reflected on the Yellow dog and the Yellow roses. Feeling Mellow Yellow, I grabbed a big Yellow taxi. Passing the Yellow windows, I saw paintings in Yellow. We passed a red-Yellow autumn funeral, and the driver mouths, “We’ll meet in the Yellow forest.” I asked my driver, Yellow Ledbetter, to take me to Yellow River Road. He says, “You’re a Yellow hammer if I ever knew one.” We passed a wild yellow bloom, and I noticed the forever yellow sky. Yellow, black, and rectangular, the Yellow boat reflects the Yellow light from the Yellow sky. I get out to follow the Yellow Brick Road, and as I walk, I tie a Yellow ribbon on eighteen Yellow roses. I see the Yellow Submarine on the Yellow River and think about how I enjoy Yellow Days. There is a Yellow beach umbrella, and a girl stands in an Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini. I think she must have Yellow fever. The Yellow sun of Ecuador creates Yellow sweat, and I notice the Yellow butterfly eating Yellow petals from the Yellow Rose of Texas. The Yellowbird eyes the worms crawling on their Yellow bellies. Ah, something cool, but I see, “Don’t eat the Yellow snow cone.” Suddenly the Yellow Brick Road turns blue and I notice the Yellow moon. A soft Yellow star shimmers and I realize I have no Yellow heart to take home. The moon was Yellow and my day was done. Goodbye, Yellow Brick Road.
Life is fun like that!
un like that!
Sunday, September 15, 2024
I Love to Tell the Story by Arabella Katherine Hankey
I love to tell the story
Of unseen things above,
Of Jesus and His glory,
Of Jesus and His love.
I love to tell the story,
Because I know ’tis true;
It satisfies my longings
As nothing else can do.
Of unseen things above,
Of Jesus and His glory,
Of Jesus and His love.
I love to tell the story,
Because I know ’tis true;
It satisfies my longings
As nothing else can do.
I love to tell the story,
’Twill be my theme in glory
To tell the old, old story
of Jesus and His love.
’Twill be my theme in glory
To tell the old, old story
of Jesus and His love.
I love to tell the story;
More wonderful it seems
Than all the golden fancies
Of all my golden dreams,
I love to tell the story,
It did so much for me;
And that is just the reason
I tell it now to thee.
More wonderful it seems
Than all the golden fancies
Of all my golden dreams,
I love to tell the story,
It did so much for me;
And that is just the reason
I tell it now to thee.
I love to tell the story,
’Twill be my theme in glory
To tell the old, old story
of Jesus and His love.
’Twill be my theme in glory
To tell the old, old story
of Jesus and His love.
I love to tell the story;
’Tis pleasant to repeat
What seems each time I tell it,
More wonderfully sweet.
I love to tell the story;
For some have never heard
The message of salvation
From God’s own holy Word.
’Tis pleasant to repeat
What seems each time I tell it,
More wonderfully sweet.
I love to tell the story;
For some have never heard
The message of salvation
From God’s own holy Word.
I love to tell the story,
’Twill be my theme in glory
To tell the old, old story
of Jesus and His love.
’Twill be my theme in glory
To tell the old, old story
of Jesus and His love.
I love to tell the story;
For those who know it best
Seem hungering and thirsting
To hear it like the rest.
And when, in scenes of glory,
I sing the new, new song,
’Twill be the old, old story,
That I have loved so long.
For those who know it best
Seem hungering and thirsting
To hear it like the rest.
And when, in scenes of glory,
I sing the new, new song,
’Twill be the old, old story,
That I have loved so long.
I love to tell the story,
’Twill be my theme in glory
To tell the old, old story
of Jesus and His love.
’Twill be my theme in glory
To tell the old, old story
of Jesus and His love.
This is my testimony, this hymn I love. I love to share not what the world has seen about my life but how God has provided a way for my survival every day that he has given me. He has gifted me with understanding, tolerance, and compassion through trying times. He lets me rest in green meadows and walk by still waters. He cares for and restores my soul.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16
Romans 10:9-10 - If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Love Bridge
Saturday, September 14, 2024
I was reading a Rory Feek blog post and found a perfect message that reaches and teaches. Here are a few timely keywords.
"But we should have a culture of redeeming people, not canceling them. I don’t think it’s fair to accuse people of things without even asking them or seeking answers for yourself or to accuse someone of something without any chance to respond.
Pray that we will put our selfishness aside and choose to love each other. Pray that we will put our devices and accusations down, swallow our pride, get in the same room, and begin talking and listening to each other, even if it’s hard and uncomfortable. Pray that God can and will, in the end, use this for His good."
We live in a self-centered world. We live in a world where nothing can be believed, but every word is weighted with trauma-drama, and those who share with anger are often believed. Jesus taught boldly love.
I know that Jesus doesn't call me to hurt others. He calls me to see them as he does. Yes, I fail at this occasionally as I rush through my days. One thing that I won't allow myself to do is argue with anyone. I'm going to let God handle my peace—to be the love bridge. I know I may never see his hand deliver my broken relationships in my lifetime, but I trust.
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
A 1919-1920 Directory of Plainview Public Schools.
There are two pages more for pupil standards.
It is very interesting to read about the course study for each grade.
We need a Palace of Sweets homemade candy store & fountain!!!
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
A 1919-1920 Directory of Plainview Public Schools.
There are two pages more for pupil standards.
It is very interesting to read about the course study for each grade.
We need a Palace of Sweets homemade candy store & fountain!!!
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
If you read one of my last posts, then you heard about some fun sentimental things I found of my dad's stored away in our attic for eleven years since my mom's passing. This little wooden box is another fun find! Some of John Dayton's Sears memorabilia...
Sunday, September 08, 2024
My grandfather passed away in 1991.
My dad passed away in 1995.
My grandmother passed away in 1996.
My mother passed away in 2013.
My brother passed away in 2014.
So, it is just me now.
It was upon my mom's death that the family totes came into our possession. There were eleven totes: small, medium, and large. Each was labeled for the person. They went straight to the attic. Yesterday, I decided to bring the totes down, remove the items, and place them all in the basement closet, which is the family history storage area. So, they have been in the attic for eleven years.
I had never really looked at what was in the totes until today when I was organizing everything. I was so pleased to find my dad's Kaywoodie pipe(original cost 3.45), his Sears stamp (Eaton Stationery), and his other cufflink box, which not only had his cufflinks and tie bars but also two of his bolos.
Also, in the jewelry box was this knife, among other fun things (including the knife he had in his pocket every day)!!!
Cross Country
Saturday, September 07, 2024
Friday, September 06, 2024
It has been 11 years since this mother of mine took her last earthly breath. God knew the mother I needed. She loved to have fun. I still need to ask her things from time to time. This is a photo from 1967. LZED, Happy 11th Heavenly Anniversary, PMDW! Thank you.