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Five Friends Fun

High Achievers & Basics Believers


Regardless of where I am, God sends encouragers to me. Sometimes, it is simple words; other times, it is a heart gift with words. This week, as I went into the hospital to get my Meals on Wheels route food to deliver, a long-time precious soul came up and said she had something for me. I am not very good at accepting gifts. I feel undeserving, but God has taught me lessons and grown me in this area through the years. E.B. said she had seen this gift and knew it was for me! This is not the first time she has encouraged me and blessed me. God uses her in many lives, and I'm blessed to be on her Holy Spirit radar!!! God knows!


So to the high achievers & basic believers...

In my life, I have tried all sorts of ways to keep up with the prayer requests that I am so honored to present to God. I have been a "high achiever" and have had cards in beautiful gel pen writing with clips, art, and whatever. I've had spirals and binders with dividers, stickers, and page markers. I even had a "war room" cabinet where I kept my stash. Another time, I had a vintage ticket holder where I wrote them on paper and layered them over that pointed piece. I am typically an overachiever in style and end up burned out because it ends up taking so much extra time. So, I try another way. 




I've decided that being a "basics" believer suits me best. I have a small blue dragonfly (there were hundreds at my mother's graveside service) notebook where I keep those who ask me to pray and those God places on my heart to pray for. But I don't write on the pages; I use Post-its!!! This has worked so well for me. I can group, move, make additions and corrections, etc., which is so easy for me. I wanted to share it in case you are looking for an easy way to manage those you wish to lift to the Father.




"When life gives you more than you can stand, kneel!"

I am a prayer warrior. I know the power of prayer. I see God at work every single day. I know his miracles. To humble myself before him for another's hurting heart or joyful praise is my jam. When you need prayer, I'm here.

