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Birthday weekend


I had a treasured birthday weekend. As tired as I am (because I'm old), I had the best time with the "Grandsisters & the Stone."

In our four full days together, we did many fun things. On our last day, they skated.



The Grandsisters watched the Stone get his first barber trim. Thanks to Mark for letting us all take over the shop.



The daughter-in-law took photos of everyone except Brandon (he was golfing) and placed them in this pretty garden of roses.



Luke 2:51-52, So he went back to Nazareth with them and lived obediently with them. His mother held these things dearly, deep within herself. And Jesus matured, growing up in both body and spirit, blessed by both God and people.

We are not Jesus, nor are our kids and grands. We are all sinners; we fall, and God helps us back up. We pray. What I cherish in this verse is what I call a Mother's True Gift. Deep within ourselves is a Holy place where the True Gift allows us peace-filled memories that bring joy to our minds. We can draw on them at any time. We have a choice to create them for ourselves. When we start at the Cornerstone of our lives, it is strong and able to wash away into another place the grief, bitterness, and deep sadness that the world says is important. Jesus allows the veil to be pulled back so we can only see the beauty. This is my story; this is my song. Thanks to my God Gifts for a sweet 69th birthday!!!


Busy Weekend


We've had a full, fun and busy weekend. The "grandsisters & the stone" have brought so much joy & laughter to two old people. God is good. God loves a cheerful giver! Give all you can to make another's life easier and filled with joy!!!




7 Signs


This video explains the 7 signs of an adult with autism. If you are undiagnosed, these may help you start the process of understanding your wiring. If you have been diagnosed with autism as an adult, these 7 signs most likely describe you, too.



Praying these will help you on your journey!


7 Signs




This video explains the 7 signs of an adult with autism. If you are undiagnosed, these may help you start the process of understanding your wiring. If you have been diagnosed with autism as an adult, these 7 signs most likely describe you, too.



Praying these will help you on your journey!




God ~ You come alongside me every day, and you hold me together. You know my weaknesses and flaws. You still are with me. You hold me up to see your Light and shine like a beacon of Hope as I walk my journey. Every morning, you wake me up to see your art found in creation. You are the only one who can, Alpha and Omega. You are the transformer of my life. You whispered to my six-year-old self, and I followed. One day, you will turn my grave into a garden when we meet face-to-face. For all the years I have lived, there is nothing better than you. Nothing compares. You are light, love, and true peace. Amen

