Birthday Gathering

It's on the Bricks


It's on the bricks, and if it is, it must be for real: happy faces in the View. If there is an issue that we can do something about and we are willing to go through the proper channels, further if necessary, to see good change, go for it. If we aren't willing to put in the work to create a better community, then we have no room to complain. When we complain, we often don't know the back story or the why or what's really happening. We are all guilty. We must get involved and educate ourselves. When we complain, it creates a negative vibe that others see on social media or hear and spread, and it also hurts feelings. My mother always said that serving up "honey" was a much better way to get our desired outcome than being a Bitter Betty. (pre Karen and Brandon, LOL)

We have such great "smiley faced" people in our community, business owners, friends & such, who truly do put in the work to make things I like to call them, fully-domed visionaries. Thank you very much for all you do! You know who you are :)


