May 3
Saturday, May 04, 2024
May 3, 1923, John Phillip Dayton was born. May 3, 2024, he would have been 101 years old. He died at the age of 72. Twenty-nine years without him as my hero. I started my search for my life's different wiring because of my dad and his family. We were alike in many ways. He taught me so much in his quiet way.
Warren and Fran Dayton, John and Lorena Dayton, Virginia Etter, and Lucy May Etter.
John Dayton, Hugh Etter, Z.T. Hopkins.
John Dayton at a lake. Notice he has a suit on. Love those lake loafers! He was a wonderful provider!
I wrote these after my father's Eternal Entry...
If they had Facebook in heaven, I would post you a note to tell you that I would, if I could, buy a boat. I'd buy a boat and ride on my tears to get to you and add some years. I'd add some years and a question or two because sometimes I need answers from you. In my heart, you knew everything.