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March 2024
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May 2024

Just Can't


I just can't pass up a good left-handed ball glove! In visiting the local Goodwill, I spot a perfectly good Wilson A2162 Jim "Catfish" Hunter glove for way under its value. Clinton was a lefty "southpaw" Plainview Bulldog pitcher.  Just call him Possum. He has no clue how he got that slang name on the field. I'm guessing because they are solitary, slow-moving animals, although he could throw some heat! 

That said, this glove would be perfect for our grandson, except he looks to be right-handed. 








Revelation 1:7 Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him, and all tribes of the earth will wail on account of him. Even so. Amen.


God's Face 2011


We all have looked at clouds to see what we can make out in them.  One day ... Jesus will come with the clouds!


The Good Old Days


We hear it so often, 'Take us back to the good old days.' In the 'good old days,' we learned from our mistakes to make us better peopleā€”at least, I hope we did. Every generation has its 'good old days.' The good old days exist today, even with changes. The good old days are simply days in our lives that we remember fondly. There is nothing special about any particular generation. There is bad, and there is good in every season. I certainly do not want to relive history. I want to learn from it and create a better tomorrow. What we do with our short time here creates those idyllic moments. Are our choices good? Do we bring joy? Do we stand for something? Do we enjoy friendships, starting with Jesus? Are we his hands and feet? Do we see those he places in our day with Holy clarity? These are the days to remember!

Lots of pieces create a beautiful thing...
