Hidden Season
Monday, November 27, 2023
God never wastes anyone's time.
10% visible + 90% unseen = an indestructable life.
Unapplauded but not unproductive, hidden years are the surprising birthplace of true spiritual greatness.
Trials tell us less about our future than they do about our past.
Today's decisions foreshadow tomorrow's challenges and reflect yesterday's choices.
Each day is somewhat shaped by the days preceding it.
The strongest influences on the decisions Jesus made in the desert were the choices he had been making before the desert.
There is good news if your job is embracing hiddenness.
It is freeing when you value learning without paparazzi.
He wore his divine power with humility and grace.
A God-sized mission pulsated in his heart, but he was not free to explain it, proclaim it, or actively pursue it.
Father God is neither careless nor causeless with how he spends our lives.
I am reading the book Anonymous, Jesus' Hidden Years, the Unrecognized Riches in Uncelebrated Seasons of Your Life by Alicia Britt Chole. The snippets above are just a few that have spoken to me thus far in my reading.
I have been in a study of Job...
I thought, 'Age should speak; advanced years should teach wisdom.' But it is the spirit in a person, the breath of the Almighty, that gives them understanding. Job 32:7-8
I am in a hidden season of my life, invisible, hibernating as my Father renews me for his purpose. This place, just under the surface of a busy life, is where I feel rest, peace, and a closeness to my Redeemer God. Like an iceberg, I desire to have my wisdom and strength found unseen but not unused. My God will not waste my time, and I desire not to waste his.