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New Day


Stained glass sunshinee


A New Day by Phyllis wall


I look out the window, and a new day I see. 

The air I breathe, you alone alllowed it to be.


Thank you, Jesus, for saving me.

Because you love me and there is no fee.


Life sure is crazy, but with you, I'm free.

Teach me, O God, please be my Key.


Unlock your Word as I read silently. 

Allow me opportunities to praise and pray on humbled knee.


Sunrise to sunset, let me serve and share your decree.

To unite all things in Christ, for Eternity.




When I was growing up in Plainview, we lived by Thomas Blvd. Park. When it would rain a lot, the Draw (Running Water) would fill up and the water would cover that park all the way to the curb of our home on Irene Street. After the rain stopped, we would play in the rain water. I always had a fear of the big rectangular drains that had no protection and looked dark and scary. I just stayed far away from them. 

It wasn't long until the water receded and soaked into the streams below the surface. Then, we walked the gutters kicking water. We would go home at dark, soaking wet, but with great memories.

We got out and check the water level at the business this evening. The run-off areas behind the PISD admin building are full, as is the Trussell Park bird sanctuary. The turtles will be happy!




We call out to him and he hears us. God is blessing us in many ways. The rain gives us hope!




We have been blessed with 48 years together. He makes me laugh, keeps me balanced, takes care of me, and allows room for my "wiring" to shine. Happy Anniversary!

This photo was taken at a Wayland Baptist University event...




New Life


Something has to die to have new life. John 11:25-26, Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me, even if he dies, will live. Everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” I do.







Last week, I was visiting with a sweet friend, a downtown Plainview business owner. We are a lot alike, yet a little different, too. She and her husband were sharing about learning to understand different personalities to understand your customers. I asked for the short survey to discover more about my personality and the book title so that I might try and understand others' personalities since this is what I'm missing with my Asperger's wiring. With my Aspergers and not sensing social norms, I have lived a life of truly not understanding differences. However, I'm seeking to better understand people for ministry opportunities, and I am already learning. 

I know who I am, and my faults, but seeing them on paper and attached to my personality left me very sad. I do not like the weaknesses that come with my strengths, but God can adjust my heart, as he always has! I got the book and have started reading, and when I look at the strengths, it is spot on me. I even had Clinton fill out the survey with how he sees who I am because, with my masking, I am never really sure who I am. We had the same results, except his result was even more Perfect Melancholy for me than I had. You can look up the weaknesses if you are interested. As I said, I know my weaknesses, and they are not what God wants me to focus on for myself and others.

Here is a list from the book, Personality Plus by Florence Littauer of Perfect Melancholy strengths. I am very strongly this personality.




I look forward to studying each personality to see if I recognize the strengths of each one of the four in others. Also, seeing people in a more faceted way will help me understand better. After all, everyone is precious in HIS sight!




A Mother


It is Mother's Day, and I rejoice in my mother's presence with her Savior. However, I want to tell you about another mother who touched my heart. Her name, is Lucretia Love (Lee) Ogg. Lucretia was born June 18, 1859, in Austin, Texas. She lived until she didn't on February 25, 1935, in Plainview, Texas. Lucretia married Alfred Thomas Ogg on March 17, 1878, in Austin, Texas; she was eighteen. She had twenty-five children in twenty-six years, and today I want to memorialize this mother on Mother's Day 2023. 

Lucretia Ogg is not a relative of mine, nor do I know any of her family. What we do have is this beautiful autograph book that belonged to her.








This year on Mother's Day, I hope you find some sentiment below that brings you joy as a mother, a sister, or a friend in Christ.




















