Wednesday, June 29, 2022
Sometimes I create words. A few years ago, okay, like over ten years ago, I submitted several to the Urban Dictionary, and they were approved. This morning I saw the word kowinkydink and laughed. It is now my favorite word. I did not create it but there sure is a bunch of kowinkydinks going on.
It is in the Urban Dictionary, "meaningful coincidences."
I had forgotten all about the Urban Dictionary...
The words I did create and are in the dictionary are:
petio-an outdoor area (patio) where pets spend leisure time and entertain pet friends.
Honey, will you put the veggie bones in the 'petio', Leviathan and Kane are expecting company.
jealous individual lacking love
It is sad that she is a jill.
When food is consumed.
I headed to the local burger spot for a snackdown.
Snackdown at McD's.
car butt
What you get when you travel by car for long distances.
You for sure will have "car butt" after driving from NY to LA on vacation!