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February 2022

Bed Sheet Suspenders


I have a fashion tip for you today, and it involves bed sheet suspenders. They come in black, white & maybe other colors. They are great to pull in a fuller top closer to the body to wear under a jacket, sweater, or vest. You can use two of them, one on each side, to create a more fitted look, too. You can even use one on the front of a top to accentuate the bust line. Or, clip on a jacket to hold it together. Of course, you can wear them on skirts and pants, too. Just something I've learned through the years and thought I would share.




Pocket Watch


Pictured is my grandmother Lucy May (Cranny) Hopkin's pocket watch. She did not use it as a watch, but to store her treasure, a picture of her boyfriend, soon-to-be husband, Hugh Robert (Bo) Etter, her photo, and a button from her wedding dress.

There are only scratches on the gold, no visible markings.




27 Years


Twenty-seven years ago today, I was teaching Sunday School at First Baptist Church when someone came to the classroom door to tell me that my mother had called and needed me to go to my parent's home; my dad had passed away. It seems like much longer than 27 years, but it seems like yesterday, too. I'm a lot like my dad. He sure is my hero. It brings me great joy to have been loved by him. Happy Heavenly entry day, daddy!


Daddy and me 1957


Golden Books


What were your favorite Golden books? Did you have them growing up? I do not remember having books growing up. However, I have one picture of me sitting in a chair with the book, The Puppy Who Found a Boy. It must have been my brother's hand-me-down book. 

We have a few Golden Books from our children's young reader days. I wonder if they remember having books growing up. We tried to create readers. I think we succeeded.




This cabinet is so outside of my decorating comfort zone; I think that's why I keep it.




I have finished deep cleaning our home. There were days my whole body burned. It was a great workout. So I can say I did, and I'm done, with both cleaning and exercise that creates burn.

It is actually enjoyable to clean items and reminisce. Things that were given so generously by sweet friends, I say a little prayer for. The family items I thank God for the family he placed me in. Then there are the many whimsical things that I enjoy, like bobblehead dolls. I have a small collection of presidential bobbleheads. Jimmy Carter and George H. W. Bush will be added to the group soon, and I'm still hunting the Dwight Eisenhower one to complete the presidents of my lifetime to date. Oh, and I had to place Hillary in the group because she was almost the first woman president. I hope to see a woman president in my time left here on this earth. It will be interesting to see who will be added to this little crazy, whimsical, bobblehead group in the future.




Be Still




Be still

The freshly fallen snow

Allows me to hear my mother sing from so many years ago


On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross
The emblem of suffering and shame
And I love that old cross where the dearest and best
For a world of lost sinners was slain
So I'll cherish the old rugged cross (rugged cross)
Till my trophies at last I lay down
I will cling to the old rugged cross
And exchange it some day for a crown
To the old rugged cross I will ever be true
It's shame and reproach gladly bear
Then he'll call me some day to my home far away
Where his glory forever I'll share
And I'll cherish the old rugged cross (rugged cross)
Till my trophies at last I lay down
And I will cling to the old rugged cross
And exchange it some day for a crown
I will cling to the old rugged cross
And exchange it some day for a crown
Happy 92 Birthday as you celebrate in the Heavenly realm.

Tea Party




I've shared this photo before. But it has been a while. My father made this table out of a piece of circular wood and jars screwed on for legs. I remember him making it. Then, my mother covered it for our tea party. It looks like a big tea party, but I remember these arriving early, Vicky Cox (cousin), Debby Duncan (neighborhood bestie), me, and Lisa Harder (neighborhood friend and classmate). I think the woman in the door is my father's sister, Fay Dayton Cox.

I have some of this tea set, but not all of it. I'm sure it was broken through the years. My parents did not do a lot of extras for us kids, but when they celebrated our birthdays or Christmas, they made us smile.






He suffered for me, this man named Jesus. The Master-ruler of heaven and earth that I choose to serve.

I'm going to see the Victory; I'm running the race. One day, this life will go away, and all that will remain of me is how I made others feel.

Jesus is my revelation of the invisible God. He reveals his Father to me; do I reveal him to others?

Come and see for yourself. Seek, and we will find, but if not, loss; dark, profound, loss.

Alive, your Holy Spirit voice directs me to see and say approved by you.

In the beginning, it was the Word that remains living and true; listen.

Allow my daily bread, your provision of what is useful, enough, for today's service, above self for your Glory.



Do You Remember?


Do you remember the jewelry-making business here several years ago on 10th Street close to Ennis? I have forgotten who owned it at the time. We had several birthday parties there. Pictured are Brenda Morton, Peggy Bownds, Carolyn Andrews (birthday girl), Fusun Yildiz, and not pictured, Deb Melcher, Hope English, and Phyllis Wall. There may have been others there that I can't remember. I still have the necklace I made with these sweet friends. Time does pass quickly. Savor it!!!