Proud Moments
Sunday, November 24, 2019
There are so many proud moments for me as I serve alongside my Savior. I realize how blessed I am. Back in the 1980s, a Vietnamese family came to live in Plainview through the support of our area Baptist Churches. I was the Women's Missionary Union director of First Baptist Plainview, Texas, at that time. Through this opportunity, I was blessed to meet the Chanh Nguyen family.
They became lifelong friends. Through Facebook, Phuong and I stay in touch, and I was able to visit Hoa and Chanh a year or so ago in Austin. It was such a precious time for me to see them again after so many years.
Phuong sent me this link to the great things that Van's husband is doing.
Follow the link here: TransCarotid artery revascularization (TCAR)
I'm so very proud of my friends and their love for excellence. I pray for them still. The memories are like yesterday and so very special!!!