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October 2019
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December 2019



I mentioned last week about how God has blessed me with beautiful friends even though he wired me to not understand that concept. There are those throughout my life who have encouraged and made a difference without anything in return. For these God gifts, who are examples of Godly friendship, I am eternally grateful.

Retha Pittman, one of God's encouragers, shared an Annie collectors plate with my family. She is such a giving person. I often feel like her name should mean Giver of Creations because this is what she does. Before Pinterest, there was Retha...creating. 

I decided since I am not a creative one, well maybe I could if I would, but I'm hyperventilating just thinking about it, that I would be a bit creative with her gift. Thank you, Retha!










My father, John Dayton, was in the U.S. Navy. He was issued a navy wool peacoat. My mother made my brother, John and I winter coats from his coat. While Miss B stayed with us, we talked about the coat and where it came from, and then we did a mini-photo shoot.




Then we added a sailor's hat...



A little sister theatrical presentation...It's showtime!!!



A star is born!



An excellent Fall play day!



Pretty Much


Yes, our grand-sisters get away with pretty much everything when they visit! Oh, we have "rules," and this is a way we can show love, too. We have had our youngest over today for the night and tomorrow, and we sure have had a fun time. She makes us laugh.

This morning she wanted to take her shopping cart to Walmart. Okay, yes, you can!


She is getting over a cold and feeling better!

The stare! She enjoys playing with our kid's, Snoopy and Belle, plush animals and dressing them up in their costumes.

We indeed are blessed with four amazing girls!!!



Big Dream


Don't dream your life, live your dream...


I have a big dream. For me, it is big, yet simple, but sometimes tough to achieve. My dream is to rise up each day and love the people God places in my path. Living my dream takes me into lives that only God knows the reason why. It is a simple goal, but the enemy tries to steal my peace along the way through a few people who do not understand.

There is not one person that God has placed in my path that is not worthy of love. There are those, albeit few, who thrive on living ugly. God leads us to be a companion of the humble and pass through life with as little show or noise as possible. Let the poor GODLY be your chief companions. 

Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited. Romans 12:16

Who are our enemies? There are signs that someone might not think we hung the moon. It is important to remember that God hung the moon for us, for me, for you! 

We must realize that we are in control of our enemies when God is in control of us.

Don't invest mental energy in Satan's use of another's actions.

Always reject the negative energy they give by pouring ourselves into the Armor of God.

Side-step encounters that fuel the individual.

Be bigger!

Don't react. ACT!

Make eye contact, smile, but do not engage.

Focus on the dream, who leads us, the purpose, the why.

It isn't easy because we are human, and to react is our nature. I think it is a normal reaction to an uncomfortable situation. Here is what I say: Our immediate response is always human. It is in the next breath we determine our Holy. [up] 

Psalm 136:23-25

He remembered us in our low estate
His love endures forever.
and freed us from our enemies.
His love endures forever.

Like the Zach Williams song, Old Church Choir says:

There's revival, and it's spreading
Like a wildfire in my heart
Sunday morning, Hallelujah
And it's lasting all week long
Can you hear it?
Can you feel it?
It's the rhythm of a gospel song
Oh, once you choose it, you can lose it
There ain't nothing, there ain't nothing gonna steal my joy
I got an Old Church Choir singing in my soul
I got a sweet salvation and it's beautiful
I've got a heart overflowing 'cause I've been restored
There ain't nothing gonna steal my joy
No, there ain't nothing gonna steal my joy
When the valleys that I wander
Turn to mountains that I can climb
Oh, you are with me, never leave me
Oh, 'cause there ain't nothing, there ain't nothing gonna steal my joy
I got an Old Church Choir singing in my soul
I got a sweet salvation and it's beautiful
I've got a heart overflowing 'cause I've been restored
There ain't nothing gonna steal my joy
No, there ain't nothing gonna steal my joy
Clap your hands and stomp your feet
Till you find that gospel beat
'Cause it's all you'll ever need, all you'll ever need
Clap your hands and stomp your feet
Till you find that gospel beat
'Cause it's all you'll ever need
All you'll ever need
I've got an old church choir, singing in my soul
I got a sweet salvation, and it's beautiful
I got an Old Church Choir singing in my soul
I got a sweet salvation and it's beautiful
I've got a heart overflowing 'cause I've been restored
There ain't nothing gonna steal my joy
No, there ain't nothing gonna steal my joy
Oh, there ain't nothing gonna steal my joy
And love others as Christ does. It's hard sometimes but always worth it to find the good. Living in peace is essential.



Seriously, God is so good to me. He has blessed me over and over again through the treasure of friends. I believe it is through my lack of understanding of social appropriateness in my Aspergers wiring that he delivers sweet "kisses of love" to me through special friends. He lets me know that He alone provides my every need. I was thinking today about how many in the world self-medicate for emotional and physical disabilities. My self-medicating comes through the Great Physician. In Him, I trust. He heals. He provides. He loves. He mends. He is my all-in-all.
I have a friend who is a classmate (PHS Class of 1973). I knew of her in school, but we weren't friends then. It has been in the last few years that God has brought her into my life with deepness. Belinda is one who always thinks of others. She and Steve own a B & B in Wimberley, Texas, and I assure you, they will welcome you and be your friends. I have enjoyed BellaVida B and B, and it is worthy of your stay. This said Belinda serves. She is the hands and feet of Christ's example. I learn from her continuously. God is good!
Another friend, Hope, visits the B & B several times a year, and often, Belinda sends a package to me through her. Thank you, Hope! Today, Hope showed up at our door with a promised package. I had forgotten but remembered when I opened the box. Inside were pieces of a dish pattern from Sears (where my dad worked for nearly forty years). 
Cattail (Camwood)
Circa: 1930 - 1956
Sold at Sear's Roebuck & Co.
I'm not sure how they will be displayed in the end, but right now, they are viewed where I see them every day, many times, to remind me of how truly blessed I am...for my family and my family of friends. #iknowwhoseiam



Today, while our Plainview Chamber Leadership Plainview class was out on their monthly Plainview tour, we found ourselves adulting (Adult Activity Center)!!!




The red team (right) lost to the blue (left). What a hoot!!! These people are amazing!!!




I have been thinking about a few things over the last few days that have to do with joy. I've come to some conclusions. As a follower of Christ, there is a profound joy that we cannot ever lose; we don't lose our joy.

Our joy can only be stolen; it never goes away. When we give Satan permission to enter into our lives by not having on the Full Armor of God, we allow our hearts to become under attack and the battle rages.

When we find ourselves not having the peace and understanding of spiritual joy, it is time to escape to the place where we worship God best and discover once again the beauty found in the relationship with the One who pours joy over our lives like a pure stream, refreshing.

So, I stole someone's joy. It was not intentional. I apologized, and everything is okay. It wasn't a big deal to them, but it was huge for me. The truth be told...we can't steal someone's joy at all. We can disappoint others and then there are times when we are disappointed by things that are done to us. We know that there are a million pieces of connectivity to the world every day that have the ability to upset our applecart. Yet, when we have Christ as our cornerstone, he determines our joy, we determine the level. We give permission to the world to enter, or we close the door knowing that what we have inside us is beyond beautiful and find ourselves full of joy in each circumstance. As Believers, we are truly blessed.




If we feel a lack of joy then we dig deep. Looking through the looking glass at disobedience & unforgiveness. These are Satan's big guns!

Hang in there!!!


Flying Trip


I left early Sunday morning to fly to see our DFW grand sisters. Miss A had a dance clinic on Sunday and a Veteran's Day program this morning that I wanted to see. Miss D and I played at the park near their home for a while after I was picked up at the airport. She loves to video.




Then we went to a hotel and watched Miss A learn new dances from instructors from far away. Her schedule.



A few of the girls ... including Miss A and Miss D, who was not dancing this weekend, but she can be social!



Then, this morning was Veteran's Day. The choir led the program. All the students were in the gym. Miss D wants to try out for the choir when she is old enough. Here she sits with her class (and not excited for me to take her picture).



The choir comes to the stage, and I spy that smile!


Miss A had a speaking role. Yay!!!




I loved seeing this!!!



Not my thing, but worth it because she let me!!!


I loved seeing these two girls. So worth the worst weather flight ever today coming home!!!