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September 2019
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November 2019

I Remember


Wars may be fought with weapons, but they are won by men. It is the spirit of the men who follow and of the man who leads that gains the victory. Gen. George S. Patton


I will never forget the day I walked into England Wholesale, and my very special friend, Lynn McMennamy, shared her story of losing her grandson, Brynn. This would have been in early 2008.

Of course, I have known Brynn's mother, D'Ann, for many years. She grew up in the same church we attended and was a frequent England Wholesale "fixture."

Recently D'Ann published a book; I Know Where I'm Going, the Story of My Son. I look forward to the unfolding of a family's love through the penned words. Thank you for sharing the journey. 




Thank you, Brynn Joel Naylor, SPC US Army Iraq, Bronze Star Medal, Purple Heart, Operation Iraqi Freedom, for your service.


Sunday Lunch


Sunday lunch, we enjoy lunch with Clinton's father, TC Wall. These times are very special, especially when we have guests! Bo makes TC smile, all of his grands and greats do, but being the baby, she tugs his heartstrings. This picture of great grandmother Karen (on their mother's side) and TC (from their father's side), with these two grand sisters, make for a joy-filled time!!!





Here's What I Think ... Round Two


Here's what I think ... round two. There are a lot of people who say things which aren't representing the Truth.

Don't sell your soul for a party or a person. 

We must watch the tongue that it does not uncontrollably wag like a rabid dog's. 

We are either representing God or Satan with who we are, what we say, how we act.

Hiding behind social media does not erase it from God's heart.

Be a builder, not a destroyer.




Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15


Here's What I Think


Here's what I think...

we reap what we sow.




Galatians 6:7-10

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.









Creative Saturday


I don't get creative often because it drives me crazy. I will have a million ideas every day that involve creativity, and it just wears me out. Then, there will be one that keeps lingering until it demands that I fulfill the thought by creating it.

A month or so ago, a few friends & I had the opportunity to visit the Baker Hotel in Mineral Wells, Texas. I was humbled to see her in the same condition as our Hilton was before she became the Conrad Lofts. The Baker Hotel is about five times the size of our hotel, and it is a massive project that is being aired on television as she progresses under the knife. How beautiful she will be!!!

While there, I was able to pick up a shard of the rose-colored glass from the mirrors in the lobby area. The ladies loved the rose-colored glass because it smoothed the shadows and wrinkles of age. Happy, happy, happy!

Here is my little creative Saturday project. I do not claim to be an artist. :)





My mother, Lorena Etter Dayton, enjoyed her round 14k gold earrings. She wore them every day to work once they could finally afford them. Sweet memories of her as I am deciding what I want to do with them and how I can enjoy them today.




Learning Always


I'm learning always. Every day, I learn something new in my faith that enhances my life. My relationship with Christ is sunny, sometimes overcast by my doing, but always sunny.

I'm at the well. He refreshes me with Living Water.



Today, the Holy Spirit showed me how easy it is to follow the "antichrist." There will be those who don't do the Truth. We know them, they live among us. Maybe it has been us.

I have discovered that rumors are a sign of desperation. The Truth sets us free. This is Heaven, the Prince of Peace relationship, we are offered.

There are those among us who can't let go and let God.

If I'm going to live, it must be for Christ, the Truth, the love, the forgiveness, the kindness, the acceptance, and every emotional high and low where I am, He is.

I am saved by grace, a gift given with no strings attached that pull it away. The place where I dwell each day is lovely. I sin, I struggle, I suffer; it is because I am living in the world. Yet, I know He overcomes the world. I'm excited for each revelation in my chapter book.

The world so quickly follows what they perceive as power and a pride-filled person will fall. We all have experienced this on some level. He whispers ... lead, don't follow ... into my fragile spirit.

Who are the hands and feet of Christ? They are the ones who search out the truth for themselves in every situation by being in prayer and study of the Word of God; they lead by example. They are givers. They are encouragers. They are kind. They do not bully. Their lives are lived to love, as set into action by the very One who created us in love, God. He tells me to surround myself with them.

I'm thankful for my option to choose Joy. Lord lead me with blinders that allow me to be focused on you, not follow the untruth, but dwell in you, the Truth Truth Truth.

The Lady & the Brew


There was once a lady without an office and a town with a coffee house & sandwich shop called the Broadway Brew. The lady volunteered in the downtown historic district and found that the Brew offered her just the spot to regroup the day's business, (or was it an hour?) over her Hazelnut Breve. The baristas made her laugh, and she made them laugh through her crazy. They were patient and kind as she grew older before their very eyes. They came for a season, some for many, some for a few, and the lady was in awe of the blessings wrapped with individuality, character, and determination through each one, knowing God was dealing her deck with some extraordinary young people!




Nothing, Noda, Nope, Net, Nemaya, Nichts


Nothing, Noda, Nope, Net, Nemaya, Nichts. That's what I got today. So, I'll leave you with this...

Go ahead and laugh. It is priceless. White Cat-eye glasses and pink lipstick to match the gown. How about those tepee bangs? The best thing is the adorable gown!!!


Phyllis Pink Gown junior high



Have a great week filled with the recognition of those God places in our path to allow us to serve with purpose.