Dig a Little Deeper
Sitting on the Sofa



Have you ever heard of Ferritin? I had not either until a few years ago. Ferritin is a protein that contains iron and is the primary form of iron stored inside of cells. The small amount of ferritin that is released and circulates in the blood is a reflection of the total amount of iron stored in the body. 

So, it started out with me going to give blood. When they tested it, they said it did not pass. I did not think much about it. I had episodes of anemia in my life. Not often, but a few times. So I just chalked it up to intake more iron-rich foods.

Several years pass and the same thing happens again.

Then, I started feeling extremely tired, more than tired, more than anemic, more like my brain was so tired it could not make me do another thing. It would come and go, this tiredness. I was so tired that I thought many times I would have to call for help to get me home. I would sit down for sometimes thirty minutes to an hour and finally get just enough oomph to get to the car.

Then, I started losing my eyebrows and eyelashes. 

I had a dermatology appointment for my skin cancer check, and I asked about why I was losing them. She said she thought it might be my Ferritin level was off. She had seen it before. I said I'm not anemic; I've had bloodwork. She said, let's check it. So, we did. My Ferritin level was 3. Normal is about 12-150. 

Once I was treated, I felt so much better. This little "F" word sure had messed up my life. My eyebrows were gone. She suggested injections each week for three months to see if any might grow back. The injections were painful. I had six around both eyebrow areas each time. I am so thankful for the eyebrow hairs I do have. My eyelashes were not so severely affected. They recovered completely.

Now, I say all of this to say that my culprit was tea. For some people, not many, I suppose, the tea does not allow the Ferritin/iron component to adhere to the cells in my body???

Most doctors say that the Ferritin cannot be low without anemia. For me, this was not so. 

I'm not a doctor; I know very little about medicine, the body, how it functions or doesn't. I know everyone is created differently and is affected uniquely by various things.

For me, it is the tea.

I enjoy tea. I was drinking a medium unsweet tea each day (better than sodas, right?), just one, but over a long period of time which helped create this medical experience. I still enjoy a tea from time to time, but not all of the time or daily. It is a treat. I must be careful.

Maybe you have experienced something similar?








Fresh Find: Cute shoes!!!

