Sunday, March 11, 2018
Miss D is seven. She says she doesn't feel any different or smarter. One thing for sure, this girl enjoys life! We love her so!!!
Happy Birthday, Miss D!!!
Fresh Find: Oloves! Love this snack!!!
Miss D is seven. She says she doesn't feel any different or smarter. One thing for sure, this girl enjoys life! We love her so!!!
Happy Birthday, Miss D!!!
Fresh Find: Oloves! Love this snack!!!
I believe that many grasp this verse a little differently than I have been led to understand it. Let me take a minute to share with you how I have grown to love this verse. I'm not taking it back to the original verbiage of long ago but to modern translation that I understand. May the Holy Spirit guide my words.
It is. This is a concrete statement. It is. It is going to be one way or the other.
More. It will be over and above what we know or understand.
Blessed. There will be an increase in Holy things, aka joy, peace ...
To give. We are to give. To give is to transfer something we take from ourselves and place into another's life.
Than: contrast (see as boldly different)
To receive. We will get something.
When we read this verse, we most often focus on the words, to give. I want to focus right now on the word blessed. It is the most important word in this least to me because I know it to be true. God wants to bless us. He does bless us as believers. What I see here is that the blessing of what comes next, the giving, is what is the sum of the equation ...
blessing > giving + another - me < God.
God says straight up that there is a blessing in giving. It is more blessed to give. There is the one who is blessed by our slice of self-transferred giving, and there is a ray of Holy that fills our blessing chamber when we do. It is good.
It is not the giving, but the blessing. It is not the blessing but the giving. We won't have one without the other when IT IS through the Holy Spirit's nudging and God's plan for our life.
Fresh Find: Blessed! A sweet James Avery charm to pin on a favorite pillow in your home to remind you that you are blessed by your heart gifts.
I remember as a young child that my grandparent's phone numbers were three numbers and the nite number even had a letter. It seems like it went from three to four numbers with a CA in front or something like that. Now, our numbers are ten numbers long. From an operator to party lines to mobile phones, blue tooth, wireless, Internet, all in my lifetime. What phone numbers do you remember from your early days?
This is my mother, Lorena Etter, on the right. In the middle is her sister, Virginia Etter, and on the left is Mary Lou Etter, my grandfather's brother's daughter.
Fresh Find: Some kid would love this runny nose shower gel dispenser!
Bad Girls of the Bible is a study that came out years ago by Liz Curtis Higgs. I wasn't drawn in by it years ago but decided to visit it at an online Bible Study site I use. Liz is funny. She cracks me up with some of the things she says.
The Bad Girls all have one thing in common; they turned their back on God. I want to believe that I have never turned my back on God. I feel like I haven't. What I have done is stray too far away and have gotten lost. He has never turned his back on me.
What I have learned is that the further the anchor is set from the ship the longer it takes to reel it in.
For even though I am absent in body, nevertheless I am with you in spirit, rejoicing to see your good discipline and the stability of your faith in Christ. Colossians 2:5
Eve, Potiphar's Wife, Lot's Wife, the Woman at the Well, Delilah, Sapphira, Rahab, Jezebel, Michal, the Sinful Woman, Phyllis, ... Yes, I am a sinner. We all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God. It is through the redeeming grace of Jesus Christ that we die to be born again through Salvation. What was old is new. I am forgiven. He is my anchor in all of my storms. My Anchor is steadfast.
Here are some words that the Holy Spirit brought forth from me.
HIS PLAN by Phyllis Wall 2017
I’m sitting in the tower between my eyes
Looking out onto the world completely dry
Empty faces trying to survive
A shift of 24 hours, five to five
Rushing past the hope of the day
Keeping Jesus Christ at bay
In their pocket, on the phone
Just hit the Jesus ringtone
He will answer the call
Not annoyed at all
What we are missing is tragic
The love of Jesus is magic
We can’t comprehend this love he gives
So we ignore anything that lets us live
So deep within the water split for us to cross
We choose to drown by the worldly boss
When it is so simple to follow and see
We can’t let our life be truly free
Hanging on trying to control
With nets torn, pots cracked, we roll
Until we can’t, days lost
At what cost
His on the cross
Ours, we haphazardly toss
It’s not too late to stop, step off
On the right foot, he said follow
Open up, don’t be hollow
I will use your brokenness
Clean up and shine your mess
Together again
It is my plan
Fresh Find: A piece of art watering can! Love it!!!
It is true, time flies! This full of life, little gift celebrates her birth at a small family party. Bo Baroness over all of Wall land is so much sweetness, rolled up into a mess of attitude and energy. She is a joy!
Fresh Find: Amazon Cloud Cam
Some people were not sure whether to believe that my thighs have never touched.
Okay, question answered. They have filled in at age 62!!!
Onward and upward! As in maybe jumping jacks and picking up paw-paws & putting them in my pockets! How about a set-up or two? LOL
Fresh Find: Cute Texas apron.
I have been having a thigh issue. For the first time in my life, my thighs are touching. People laugh at me when I say this, but we are all designed differently, and this is a new experience for me. I don't like it. I suppose there is some good that I can find though. On our really breezy, okay, wind funnel days, it is harder to blow me over. That's a bonus.
I'm like my mother in so many ways, and our hips and thighs are where our gained weight rests. I mean, God created me this way, right? I needed big hips to deliver our 9 pounds 11 ounce and eight pounds six-ounce babies. I'm blessed in that I was able to do this being a 5' 3" 100 pounder wet back then.
I weighed 90 pounds when I graduated high school. I gained to 130 in my pregnancy years. I've lost down to 93 pounds, but have always stayed at about 110 until this year.
I'm not pregnant so why am I carrying weight as if I were? My eating habits have not changed. My exercise habit, or lack of, has not changed. Yes, I know, it should. Don't be pointing a finger at me here!
Is this what turning 60 does to a person? The years spread the distance between one pound and each added pound on the scale so far that the pants might bust?
I say if you want capris, just gain ten pounds. Your pants WILL get shorter!
In the scheme of life, I'm blessed. Whether I weigh 100 pounds or my top weight ever, I know that God is in control and he wants me to take control of my life to find my happy not hippy self again.
Now what?
Get the tape measure!
Fresh Find: A great snack!
Pray Jones Stadium 2018 is happening on Palm Sunday, March 25th, 5-7 PM at Jones AT&T Stadium on the campus of Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas. I'm in. Will you be?
Our mission is to fill Jones Stadium with 50,000 believers from this area to worship together and pray for Revival and Spiritual Awakening.
Our purpose is the understanding that when we gather together, God shows up. This is what our Nation needs, a fresh touch from God We need him to send revival.
Become one of the 50,000. Come join us on March 25, 2018, at Jones Stadium. You can forget the ticket. Bring a canned food item that will be donated to the South Plains Food Bank. Visit for volunteer opportunities.
Spread the word! Invite your church, your friends, your neighbors, your co-workers to PrayJones '18!
Find us on Facebook @ Pray Jones Stadium 2018
Mother's jewelry. My mother worked in retail, but she wasn't a jewelry junkie. She did like diamonds but had very few. She had a small collection of decorative pins and clip-on earrings that I used to create an art piece for our daughter.
I realize the pins would have had more value if I had sold them than they do now pinless surrounding the mirror, but I would never sell them and this way they are seen and still in our family. We did sell what few costume jewelry necklaces she had at the estate sale. I kept her gold bracelets, watches, and earrings. She had a nice variety of gold pieces.
It is funny how some of her jewelry means so much to me and other pieces not so much. I finally am moving in a good direction and making decisions about it all. It is a healing journey. I am at a place where I have been able to take my time and think through the process of what I want to do.
I still have plenty of fun pins and earrings and even her other watch to create another art piece. Here is a sweet sampling.
My mother enjoyed rings, big rings, and bracelets. She, at one point in her life, wore a variety of earrings to match her attire. Later in life, she wore her favorite gold flat round ones. Like I mentioned, she rarely wore a necklace.
I enjoy costume jewelry necklaces. Outside of that, I wear the same jewelry every day. She was a vibrant, outgoing and lovely person. I am an introverted simple soul. We were so different, but so alike, too. I think I have her best qualities, a compassion for others and a servant's heart. Those are the real jewels!
Fresh Find: How about a Sushi rice cube maker?