Monday, August 24, 2015
Sisters are grand. We think our grand-sisters are super grand and most perfect! This first day of school was a special time. It was hard to be separated after all summer together!!!
I always thought that having a sister would be fun. I had a brother. He was grand, but he was seven years older, and I aggravated him and his friends. I bet I would have aggravated a sister, too. Or maybe the sister would have aggravated me.
When children with exceptionality can't fit into the mold of what others expect, we often see a disconnect from others. The child begins to close off from those who are to love them unconditionally because the pain of rejection is too much for little hearts to carry.
We must find a way to engage every child so that they feel worthy. I found this assurance in a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Fresh Find: Cute scratch-cat-house~!