Thanks Giving
Floor Exercise



I don't share my opinion on very many things. I share ideas, organization, dreams and visions; take them or leave them. I retire from drama or confrontation to keep my life scales heavier on the happy side.

I will fight for something that God gives me a passion to spend great energy on. 

I prefer encouragement over gossip. I've been hurt deeply by it and learned from the experiences. The Golden Rule, Do unto others as you would want done unto you. I am human, and I do slip and fall into the trap of gossip. The Holy Spirit always lets me know that I goofed. Forgiveness.

I have opinions, but if I were to start sharing them I would certainly surprise some and shock the rest! LOL

I will listen to other's opinions if they are encouraging, positive, moving forward, inclusive of others thoughts and ideas, not self-serving, and will enjoy every minute of listening. The opposite of these, please don't waste my time. 

So, you can imagine that election season does not fit into my happy place. Neither do most media outlets. 

I certainly spend time controlling what enters my heart, my mind, my body, and my soul. 

Actually, the Holy Spirit leads me in this. 

I'm blessed to have eyes to see guidance from the Holy Spirit as I am nudged here & there to take pictures to share. This yellow Hibiscus bloom makes me happy! I hope it does you, as well! Happy weekend!





Fresh Find: Cute Bulldog shoes!


