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After six days, Jesus took with him Peter, James and John the brother of James and led them up a high mountain by themselves. There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light. Just then there appeared before them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus. Matthew 17:1-3

Peter, James and John are led up a high mountain by themselves where the King of Kings was changed and revealed in all of His glory. What a mountaintop experience! I can't fathom what they felt and tried to grasp. Like the worship song says, "I can only imagine."

Come out from them and be separate says the Lord... (2 Corinthians 6:17a)

For me to serve is to be called out to be different; to feel these mountaintop experiences that reveal the glory of God in everything. This is the goal I strive for each day.

Did you see the snow-capped mountaintop that God showed us this evening!





Fresh Find: Fun tent!


eter said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good for us to be here. If you wish, I will put up three shelters—one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.”

While he was still speaking, a bright cloud covered them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!”

When the disciples heard this, they fell facedown to the ground, terrified. But Jesus came and touched them. “Get up,” he said. “Don’t be afraid.” When they looked up, they saw no one except Jesus.

As they were coming down the mountain, Jesus instructed them, “Don’t tell anyone what you have seen, until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead.”



I woke up this morning with about zero motivation. I knew full well it just wasn't going to be okay to be in a slump today. It was Skatepark Plainview opening day!

Then, I could not decide what to wear. I know this shouldn't be so troublesome, but when I'm not motivated to do much I want clothes that don't touch me (Aspergers trait).

It was hot outside and I knew I was going to be out in the heat all afternoon and evening so pretty much anything I wore was going to touch me and be hot. I wanted to wear a cool dress, but knowing I was to ride a skateboard, well be assisted in riding a skateboard, I was afraid a fall might not be pretty in a dress.

My mother always told me to be careful what you do in a dress; be ladylike. I suppose it was good for me to listen. I did not fall and I wore my Chamber of Commerce Ambassador shirt and jean shorts. It was hot. I survived!

What a hoot for a 60-year-old to be escorted on a skateboard; way better than a walker!!!




What an honor to stand beside my, behind the scenes, husband and know that together we can volunteer in our community!




Fresh Find: Girachille!


Product of the 60s


I am a product of the 60s, yet I did not hang a poster in my room. I never owned a pair of felt penny loafers and I never left my clothes on the floor. Oh wait, the clothes on the floor is not a 60s faulted trait!

I did watch shows like the Alfred Hitchcock Hour, Lost in Space, the Twilight Zone, Outer Limits, Bewitched, Beverly Hillbillies, Leave it to Beaver, I Dream of Jeanie, the Addams Family, the Munsters, My Three Sons, Gilligan's Island, Petticoat Junction, Green Acres, Lassie, I Love Lucy, Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In, Carol Burnett, Mr. Ed, and the Jetson's. I can remember, too, when Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color was first in color on our first color TV.

I wore dresses, there were no pants for girls. Then there was double knit fabric and matching pantsuits. Fashion has gone downhill since then. LOL

One thing I remember vividly is the clear protective seat covers for cars. Sears had them and so we did, too. Do you remember the first style?





I would sit in the back seat and push all of those little pieces inside out. Did you? Talk about hot and sticky. If the car was in the sun, these things could create a very dangerous burn!

I missed a lot of the interesting 60s happenings. I did have some records that my dad bought me at the Sears store and my mom would get mad every time he did; said he was spoiling me! I still have my small vinyl collection and listen to it today. I never cared that my dad bought me the records he wanted to listen to, like the Blackwood Brothers Quartet. It was music. 

Well, the 60s were wild, but the 70s were crazy (from what I hear). I pretty much missed all of that, too. You know, Aspergers was really a good protection plan. Thank you, God. 



Fresh Find: Like this micro umbrella!



If I Died


I would like to say that I am proud of my 60 years, but I have made mistakes. I would like to say that I wish I could change my mistakes, but if I changed my mistakes, I would not have learned. If I had not learned, I would not be me.

60 years of beautiful God blessings way outweigh the valleys of my life.

I am not one that deserves anything, but God blesses me every day with His goodness.

I had a feeling this morning that a surprise was in store for me. I had a lunch date scheduled, and it was to be just us two. Hmm, something happened and yes I told this dear friend that 'I hate your guts' just like I would have when I was a kid. I don't do well with change and surprises, but I have kind of gotten use to those who I know love to play with my mind, and I love them for loving my crazy self!




I was presented a box with the most treasured gift of words from so many wonderful sisters today. I have just read each one of them through tears of humbleness that my Father has provided me for such a time as this.





If I died today, I am blessed to have known so many Godly souls with hearts for serving and caring. 

I am speechless, and that is good because in my awe of this priceless gift I know I am with mighty warriors. I find hope and peace in this. God is good.


I may not regularly see these who took their time to write, create and deliver such a special gift, but we are connected through the bond of Love.


Today there have been such sweet Facebook birthday wishes and cards via email and snail mail, even a few videos; all I hold dear.


I think the card from my bestest friend, Clinton, says it all;

Sixty...Sixty years ago, on what otherwise might have been just an ordinary day, the world got you. Incredible, extraordinary you. What a day to celebrate the gift you are to thisworld andin the lives of everyone lucky enough to know you. Happy 60th Birthday to one-of-a-kind wonderful you!


My mother miscarried twice between my brother's birth and my conception. We were seven years apart. God knew the plans he had for me even then. He knew where I would be this very day and the lives that would intersect with mine for affirmation to fill my love cup.


Psalm 65:11 You crown the year with your bounty; your wagon tracks overflow with abundance.


I am never amazed at how God blesses me, but I am always humbled!

God has been good to me in my 60 years. He is faithful at every turn. I would not be who I am called to be if I did not ask, "Do you know Him?"

For God so loved the world, that he came to us through Jesus to have a personal relationship with us. Through Jesus, we witness God's love unfolding as he died with the sins of the world. We choose to believe in him and his resurrection that promises eternal life. Through acceptance, we are covered with the gift of the Holy Spirit to guide us day by day.

I know this love. I am worthy through this love. My foundation is sound, and my eternal home is secure. 

To anyone who might come across this page, my prayer for you is that you know him, too. I want you to feel the same love I feel today. It is God sent, wrapped up in a pretty present called siblings in Christ. You can't know it unless you know Him!


“Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me.” Mark 9:37


Thank you all for your influence and friendships!!! Thank you for your gifts to Happy Feet, PAWS, FBC-PLV Children's Ministry and Snack Pak 4Kids. Honored!



Fresh Find: What a great little wallet comb called Hedgehog!





It seems we are on an all-natural journey; going back to what God created that is good. Nothing artificial can be worthy. I know this is what I believe, yet it is so hard to follow this way of life because man has manipulated so much. 

There are some things though that are artificial, man-made, that are amazing, like artificial limbs. My grandfather lost his legs below the knees and most of his fingers and had it not been for artificial limbs, he would have totally worn out his stumps.

When I look at this picture of Bo, I am reminded that in his trials, he never gave up. He decided that he could do it and he did. I learned so much from him. I'm a whole lot him, a little of my mom, a little of my Cranny, and a bunch of my dad. Each one of them worked hard, tried to do it right. Learned from their mistakes. Treated others with respect. They all had servants hearts. What a special family I had.





Fresh Find: What an AWESOME Cacoon Bonsai Hammock!






I dreamed we moved to a house that did not have lots of natural light. I was miserable.

John 8:12  Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, "I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life."


Looking back through some 1983 photos...

Aaron Wall reunion 1983_edited-1

Wall reunion @ Haliburton plant in Oklahoma

Aaron Wall reunion 1983_edited-1

Washington DC Zoo visit @ Ambucs Convention

Aaron Wall reunion 1983_edited-1

Circus Comes to the Ollie Liner Center (they missed school to watch the tent go up)

Aaron Wall reunion 1983_edited-1

Bo (Hugh Robert Etter) and his greats getting ready for the 3-ring!

Aaron Wall reunion 1983_edited-1

Wall reunion in Oklahoma. Grandpa Wall (Elbert Garrett Wall) in the tan pants.


And, the now, the grand-sisters enjoying the lake ...



and Miss "J" letting Ushka do a light study...



Through my faith, God blesses me every day with light. Blessed!!!


Fresh Find: Sweet hat!






Okay, well, one of those nights or really day & night where I just don't have anything in me to blog about. Most every day God blesses my mind with something to share and for that I am grateful.

I will just share what comes to mind now to share and hope it inspires, encourages, or helps someone.

My nickname is Pete. I am called Pete because I re-peted everything my brother John (7 years older) said. My brother & grandfather coined me, Pete. I came across a lovely book titled, A Girl Named Pete. I bought it, and it has delightful stories of a family living in Oklahoma in the mid-1930s. A very easy read and quite entertaining. 

I bought two special things from a sale at long time Plainview friend, Oneta Henderson Rodger's home. A child's chair and a little picture of the 23rd Psalm.




I got the sweetest card in the mail today from a friend. I miss her. We saw each other at least weekly, and their moving has left a big hole. People are in our life for seasons, and I understand this concept. Sometimes though, I wish I could pick who stays and who should go. ;)


We had the Artwalk Plainview this evening, and it was such a beautiful and peace filled time. Everyone was a joy! And it rained towards the end.

We came home to the air conditioner leaking and some water issue. Great to have a local company to call and respond.

I'm glad to have nothing to do tomorrow. I am at my best when I have lots of time to be in God's shining rays and absorb them into my life.

Next week is the skatepark media day, then dedication, then all-school reunion. A busy week again. Did I mention that I want to lay on a beach somewhere? It's all good though.


Fresh Find: Like this table.






Today I was making some extra record bowls for an event. I was reminded that every record melts differently. You can place them on the same melting piece, and there are never two that melt alike.




God shared this verse with me: Jeremiah 9:7, Therefore thus says the LORD of hosts, "Behold, I will refine them and assay them; For what else can I do, because of the daughter of My people?

Records each have a different thickness depending on the period in which they were created, and the makeup of each record is different, as well. People are like this. Some are ripe for a relationship with Christ and others have a thick layer around their hearts, and the 'heat' is intensified to reach them or to bring them back. We are all created so uniquely for one purpose, to accept and share the love of Jesus Christ.


Fresh Find: Great watch!


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