Stars & Stripes

If I Died


I would like to say that I am proud of my 60 years, but I have made mistakes. I would like to say that I wish I could change my mistakes, but if I changed my mistakes, I would not have learned. If I had not learned, I would not be me.

60 years of beautiful God blessings way outweigh the valleys of my life.

I am not one that deserves anything, but God blesses me every day with His goodness.

I had a feeling this morning that a surprise was in store for me. I had a lunch date scheduled, and it was to be just us two. Hmm, something happened and yes I told this dear friend that 'I hate your guts' just like I would have when I was a kid. I don't do well with change and surprises, but I have kind of gotten use to those who I know love to play with my mind, and I love them for loving my crazy self!




I was presented a box with the most treasured gift of words from so many wonderful sisters today. I have just read each one of them through tears of humbleness that my Father has provided me for such a time as this.





If I died today, I am blessed to have known so many Godly souls with hearts for serving and caring. 

I am speechless, and that is good because in my awe of this priceless gift I know I am with mighty warriors. I find hope and peace in this. God is good.


I may not regularly see these who took their time to write, create and deliver such a special gift, but we are connected through the bond of Love.


Today there have been such sweet Facebook birthday wishes and cards via email and snail mail, even a few videos; all I hold dear.


I think the card from my bestest friend, Clinton, says it all;

Sixty...Sixty years ago, on what otherwise might have been just an ordinary day, the world got you. Incredible, extraordinary you. What a day to celebrate the gift you are to thisworld andin the lives of everyone lucky enough to know you. Happy 60th Birthday to one-of-a-kind wonderful you!


My mother miscarried twice between my brother's birth and my conception. We were seven years apart. God knew the plans he had for me even then. He knew where I would be this very day and the lives that would intersect with mine for affirmation to fill my love cup.


Psalm 65:11 You crown the year with your bounty; your wagon tracks overflow with abundance.


I am never amazed at how God blesses me, but I am always humbled!

God has been good to me in my 60 years. He is faithful at every turn. I would not be who I am called to be if I did not ask, "Do you know Him?"

For God so loved the world, that he came to us through Jesus to have a personal relationship with us. Through Jesus, we witness God's love unfolding as he died with the sins of the world. We choose to believe in him and his resurrection that promises eternal life. Through acceptance, we are covered with the gift of the Holy Spirit to guide us day by day.

I know this love. I am worthy through this love. My foundation is sound, and my eternal home is secure. 

To anyone who might come across this page, my prayer for you is that you know him, too. I want you to feel the same love I feel today. It is God sent, wrapped up in a pretty present called siblings in Christ. You can't know it unless you know Him!


“Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me.” Mark 9:37


Thank you all for your influence and friendships!!! Thank you for your gifts to Happy Feet, PAWS, FBC-PLV Children's Ministry and Snack Pak 4Kids. Honored!



Fresh Find: What a great little wallet comb called Hedgehog!


