Product of the 60s



I woke up this morning with about zero motivation. I knew full well it just wasn't going to be okay to be in a slump today. It was Skatepark Plainview opening day!

Then, I could not decide what to wear. I know this shouldn't be so troublesome, but when I'm not motivated to do much I want clothes that don't touch me (Aspergers trait).

It was hot outside and I knew I was going to be out in the heat all afternoon and evening so pretty much anything I wore was going to touch me and be hot. I wanted to wear a cool dress, but knowing I was to ride a skateboard, well be assisted in riding a skateboard, I was afraid a fall might not be pretty in a dress.

My mother always told me to be careful what you do in a dress; be ladylike. I suppose it was good for me to listen. I did not fall and I wore my Chamber of Commerce Ambassador shirt and jean shorts. It was hot. I survived!

What a hoot for a 60-year-old to be escorted on a skateboard; way better than a walker!!!




What an honor to stand beside my, behind the scenes, husband and know that together we can volunteer in our community!




Fresh Find: Girachille!

