Things I wish ...
Thursday, June 27, 2013
I came across this picture today. This is Elbert Garrett Wall (1896-1987) and Ethel Louvina Tuggle (Wall) (1904-1996)...aka Grandma & Grandpa Wall. Grandma Wall is holding Aaron Dayton Wall who is just a few months old circa 1977.
I wish that our children could sit and listen to their stories. Maybe play some dominoes with Grandpa Wall or watch a soap opera with Grandma Wall. They were swell people and I just wished they had lived longer so our kids could really remember them better. The same would go for my grandparents & their time with our kids. Time cut short but oh so thankful for the times they had.
Fresh Find: I think these "snow globe" salt & pepper shakers would be such fun!!!