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May 2013
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July 2013

Dance, Dance, Dance ...

We spent the weekend with the grand-sisters!  It was our Miss A's first dance (ballet) recital.  She did a beautiful job.







and they swam ...





and we played...




They are growing up so fast.  They are truly such great joys!!!


Fresh Find:  What a wonderful collection of 50th anniversary teapots.  Most couples don't make it to 50 years is a very special time!!!


Things I wish ...

GP GM Wall Aaron

I came across this picture today.  This is Elbert Garrett Wall (1896-1987) and Ethel Louvina Tuggle (Wall) (1904-1996)...aka Grandma & Grandpa Wall.  Grandma Wall is holding Aaron Dayton Wall who is just a few months old circa 1977.

I wish that our children could sit and listen to their stories. Maybe play some dominoes with Grandpa Wall or watch a soap opera with Grandma Wall. They were swell people and I just wished they had lived longer so our kids could really remember them better. The same would go for my grandparents & their time with our kids. Time cut short but oh so thankful for the times they had.


Fresh Find:  I think these "snow globe" salt & pepper shakers would be such fun!!!


Creating & Saga ...

I decided I wanted to create this week.  Most of the time Miss Mess gets over-ruled by Miss Organization.  I am one who washes dishes while she prepares meals so the kitchen is basically cleaned up when we eat.  I sew but it can't be left out overnight. I created a repurposed pieces art project this week and then I decided I wanted to take two t-shirts and make me one for this fall to wear with knit capris.  I stopped by Goodwill and found a toddler dress and a green & gray T for my fabrics.





The finished lounging t-shirt.  In sewing Miss Mess wins because I like everything to be messy looking :O)  (maybe because my mom made me rip out every seam that had even one stitch that was not straight. LOL She was an AMAZING seamstress!!!)


A little on my lack of identity and the Verizon saga.  Today I was reminded that those who prey on the innocent need to ... spend 3+ hours on the phone with Verizon customer service.  After being made to feel like I was a criminal with bad credit in front of a store full of people that brought me to tears when I got home I still had to call customer service to try & get the issue resolved.  Now, before you jump to the conclusion that I am criticizing the individuals at Verizon customer service, I want to remind you that each one of the 6 or 7 involved were nice enough.  They just couldn't seem to help me get my identity back in good standing with their company.  Finally I got one who did...within the last 10 minutes of the hours long call.

Afterwards I needed to go to Walmart to get a canopy tent and table for the ARTWALK PLAINVIEW for Friday evening here in Plainview.  I had the tent and a fold up table I was trying to get to the check-out in the ammo department and I could not find a handle on the table.  This kind young man took it and opened it and found the handle.  I got checked out and the clerk said they would get a basket but the kind man said he would help me carry it to the car.  He restored my faith in the human race.  Actually, God knew that I needed to be reminded of how his people should be and act and that he was there with me even in my frustration to bless me and honor my patience.

Then, I got a very helpful young man at our local Verizon store.

I still have no extended identity with them but for now things are okay.  I do hate to disappoint those trying to be don't really want to go there.  Or better yet, meet me in the ammo department at Walmart.  I'll introduce you to someone MUCH BIGGER than you.  It is Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. He reigns, yes HE does!


Fresh Find:  What a fun finger print table!!!


God's ...

What I want to say has trouble coming out correctly.  There is a processor missing in the intreptation portion of my thought process.  Actually, I think outloud.  This offends some.  Others love the honesty.  I am who I am and that is a child of God's. I love that he created me to be me.


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He raises up the poor from the dust; he lifts the needy from the ash heap to make them sit with princes and inherit a seat of honor. For the pillars of the earth are the Lord's, and on them he has set the world.  1 Samuel 2:8


Praying about taking a huge step.  If I do, I feel I can help others.  If I don't, I'll never know.  God will open doors if it is his will.  Pray with me.


Fresh Find: Love this simple light.  Can hang or tabletop model.


The Bunny Made me Do It ...

Bunny1 copy

For the second time in my 58 years I totally forgot a responsibility I had.  This morning at 8:35 I sat down to look at facebook.  There was a post from Tammy Waller that commented on VBS.  Oh...NO, I thought...I am to help with registration!  It was my goal to be there at 8 a.m. I TOTALLY forgot.  I brushed on some mascara and out the door I ran in my workout gear.  I got to the church at 8:45. What a way NOT to start the day!!!  I'll just say, "The bunny made me do it!!!"

The better news is I still was blessed by some very sweet children & families and that once I was done I was very blessed to go outside & listen to and read the Word of God.  He always brings me to my peace place.  


Fresh Find:  I can't find this item for purchase anywhere but I do love it enough to share it anyway...Stix!



Just add a stick!!!  How much fun will that next walk be?  Great fun!!!



Peace ...

This morning God placed on my heart how I might explain to someone that as a Believer I can still have the feeling of peace when I feel my burden load is beyond bearable.  This is what was formed...


We are born.  We face many dark struggles.  We accept Christ.  We still face dark struggles but within our souls there is always room for Jesus to live and work within it.  Always hope.  Always peace.  Always the Holy Spirit leading.


Fresh Find:  I really like this linen top.

1681_spearmint_l_t Nydj-tops-washed-linen-shirt

Dance ...

I brought my mom home today.  It is so nice to have her at home.  She loves being in her own space.  Hoping soon she will be strong enough to go dancing!!!


Speaking of dancing.  Our Miss A had her dance recital picture day today. Here she is with some friends.



Another one with a friend...





Here is her mommy at her 4 year old recital...

Chrissa 4 dance

Fresh Find: Here is a fun fountain!


Baby Book ...

As I was looking through my baby book today I decided that baby books of today don't require near as much information as the "vintage" ones asked for.  There are empty pages asking all sorts of things in mine.  Needless to say my parents did not pass the baby book parenting test, but they did fill out quite a bit that is fun to look back on.


The baby book ...


My Baptism card ...

.Doctor's orders and a note from George Mahon ...


A little note for my parents to sign pledging  their devotion to raising me...LOL


My locks of hair including the one my brother cut!


The family picture in my baby book...yup, I'm not in it! ;o)



Interesting measurements page...a full page of things to measure!



One of the pictures included in the book ... my mother made this chocolate brown dress & bag.



My footprint & first home ...


Fresh Find:  What a cute patio set.


Fire ...

Then the Lord said to Elijah, “Go, stand in front of me on the mountain. I, the Lord, will pass by you.” Then a very strong wind blew. The wind caused the mountains to break apart. It broke large rocks in front of the Lord. But that wind was not the Lord. After that wind, there was an earthquake. But that earthquake was not the Lord. After the earthquake, there was a fire. But that fire was not the Lord. After the fire, there was a quiet, gentle voice. ... 1 Kings 19:11-12


As I was reading God's word this morning I loved these verses.  I am reminded that God can certainly speak to me in many ways and positively in any circumstance yet he knows me and knows that in the storm I need to be held up.  I know his presence. It is in that calm that only he can bring me to, that I hear his voice, so still but stirring in my soul. 


Once there were two little girls.  One wore blond dog ears and went by Suzy. The other was a redhead that went by Pete. These girls spent most summer days at their grandparents house with a freedom to explore that is not safe in today's world.

There are many stories to be told about these girl's adventures. Today, you shall read about one...FIRE!

I do not remember the day of the week or the time of day, it doesn't really matter. It was daytime.  Most likely after lunch. There was a building called "the shop."  It was called the shop because it was the retired electrical business building of the grandfather's. On the back, east end, of the building was the hen house.  On the west side was the office.  Inside the building were shelves filled with electrical parts stored in little cubby-holes.  There was a work bench, there were tools, there was a boat, and in the open-beamed attic there were several pairs of legs hanging from the ceiling rafters.

Because the attic was basically open to below with a few areas where plywood had been attached to store things, walking around was a challenge.  There were two ways to get up into the area; by an old propped up single rung ladder or by crawling up the cubbies and stepping from board to board.

Suzy & Pete were spending their afternoon high above whatever was going on below. They were sitting and talking and experimenting with matches.  Yes, they knew better.  They were just lighting one from a matchbook they found, most likely on their grandfather's workbench.

The problem was that stored in the top of the shop were some boxes that had shredded paper hanging out of them...or was it one of those old evaporative air conditioner pads made of straw? Again, it really doesn't matter.  Something caught fire.

The girls tried to put it out.  They did not want to alarm anyone.  Great idea...they decided to take turns running to the wash house and getting a cup of water and that for sure would work and put the flames out. Up and down they went.  The girls were hustling...and their grandfather became suspicious.  

"Girls, what are you up to?"  Everything happened so fast.  The hose was pulled out and the grandmother heard the grandfather yell...CALL THE FIRE DEPARTMENT.  By the time the fire department arrived the fire was out.  No real damage was done. The girls learned a valuable lesson.  Don't play with matches is really a statement to live by!

(p.s. The hanging legs were the grandfather's old artificial limbs.  You see, he lost his legs (and most of his fingers) just below the knees in a snow storm.)


Fresh Find:  Look how cute this added storage is!!!
