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April 2013
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June 2013

Happy ...

Today was a busy day for one newly married (closing in on their 30 day trial period LOL) couple.  They were in town for their wedding shower.  We had a lunch for their family and hostesses at the Brew before the shower. 



This makes me happy.  What a great day!!!


Fresh Find:  Love these outdoor solar lights!


Petals ...

Our son bought me a pretty Lily plant for Mother's Day.  A bloom opened today.


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From my mom's yard today...

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Painting created with tulip petals from the ones our daughter & family sent me for Mother's Day...tulip petals = organic paint...
Tulip paint 13

(Do you see the hand imprint?)

Fresh Find:  What a clever Top Hat light!


Prayer ...

Prayer ...

Mathew 6:6 says ... But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.

1 John 5:14-15 says ... And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us. And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of him.

Psalm 145:18 ... The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.

Today I got a text from my sister-in-law that said my brother is cancer free.  He had stage IV colon cancer.  Call it what you want...I call it a miracle from god.

God has been so good to me.  He has been with me every step of the way in every circumstance.  So often people, even those who are close, have no idea what a person is going through.  My battles are big, my valleys are deep...sometimes wide, but I know the mountain tops, too.  God carries me when I can't take another step, create another thought, or comprehend the moment.  He stands beside me to cheer me on as I serve him.  He stands in front of me to lead the way.  He covers me with hope in His amazing grace.  Over and over again he hears me, answers me, grows me, and draws me close. 

I know Him in a personal way...through prayer, His word, his amazing.

My God is surely alive!!!


Fresh Find: Love this scissor and twine holder set.  Great!


Blessing ...

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This morning I had to be at the hospital for a test.  It was the type of test where you do part and then wait before you do other parts.  So, while I was on my first "wait" my "sister" S. Wall, that works at the hospital, suggested I should join in on the chapel time for the day.  The "testers" would find me there when they were ready for me.  So, I decided that would be great.  The preacher taught on the Sermon on the Mount. It was a sweet little gathering of ministers, missionaries, Pink Ladies, office staff, nurses, guests, and me. 

They have services each Sunday at 10 a.m. in the little chapel...if you happen to be there on Sunday or feel more at ease going into the hospital doors over church doors.  :O)


Fresh Find:  Really think this is a great tote for men or women.


Tumbling ...

At Relay for Life there was a tumbling exibition.  They brought the floor, mats, and kids.  It was fun to watch.  Brought back memories....



Albert Treto was the coach at the Barnyard Academy.  Chrissa got her only stitches as a kid from her ankle coming down off the floor and the side of the metal or wood slicing open her ankle.  This group did have some fun times!

Fresh Find: Moved by these shakers...salt & pepper!


Mother's Day 2013 ...

What a beautiful blessing God sent for me to see this morning in worship.


The light reflecting was amazing. The worship time was awesome.  The friendships shared was priceless. God's sacrifice for me in Jesus...grace.


What wonderful children we have.  Got to talk to the grand-sisters.  We are so blessed.  Happy Mother's Day to you all!!!


Fresh Find:  How about a little swinging?


Hope Floats ...

You know, God has blessed me so much when it comes to meeting neat people.  I often wonder why I am doing what I'm doing (most of the time I have no clue what I AM doing LOL) and why.  I just go with the God flow of my life.  I don't like large bodies of water or people. ;o)  I tend to surf by myself mostly but there are times in a volunteer opportunity where you just gotta float with the group or sink.  I can't think of one time where I have not meet someone special.  Not that they did anything outstanding but that God placed them in my life for a purpose.  Maybe they were an influence on me or me on them.  Mostly I just come away thinking...there are a lot of really swell people I have never met and I'm glad I met this person. 

Maybe I need to get out more, do more, see more people???  Nah, God will deliver in every circumstance.  I'll just keep my eyes wide open to see his beautiful blessings! There is hope and it floats!



As the 2013 Relay for Life nears its end ... we are blessed with a beautiful sunset.


Fresh Find:  I find these shoes fresh as a summer picnic!


M:O)M ...

For several years, when our children were younger, they (Clinton) put together a special Mother's Day bracelet for me.  I added to it several very special slide charms.  One is Clinton's 6th grade graduation "W" ring from his parents.  Two are from my dad's jewelry; a diamond tie-tac and a diamond ring I picked out while I worked at Latham's in Lubbock for mother to give him.  The flower ring my parents gave me on my 16th birthday was also made into a slide charm.  Each slide has a special meaning.  My very special Mother's Day gift. I cherish it.




Fresh Find:  Like these MK jelly sandels.  Limited sizes and other colors.
