God's Time ...
A Few of My Favorite Apps ...

White Trees ...

People need to see the damage a certain species of birds are doing to a pretty set of trees...


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I call these the white trees.  They have a layer of, well, bird poop, on the leaves  and all underneath from hundreds of Grackles.  Quite a shame really.  These are not the only trees they are finding to land in around here.  They are are all around...here and there...our town and yours.

Speaking of birds...we have a young hawk living in our backyard.  Of course, he does not prefer the food in the feeder.  He likes food that lives and then kills.  Gross.  I know...nature.  I will get a picture of it when I can.  Each time I go out back he flies away.  I'll have to catch a shot while he is tearing raw meat.  Glad we don't have a tiny dog! 


Fresh Find:  Cute napkins...

