Another Day ...
Job ...

Three-way Bulb ...

Luke 11:36 reads, "Therefore if your whole body is full of light and no part is dark, it will be completely lighted, as when the light of the lamp shines on you."

As I read these verses in Luke I always love where it says your eye is the lamp of your body.  It IS in our eyes.  What is in our hearts glows and reaches through our eyes.  My thought is what kind of bulb am I, are we, burning?  Do we have a three-way that sometimes we keep burning on low to give throw out a shadow of our faith to the world?  Do we click our bulb up to the middle notch where our light is neither out or bright...rather middle of the road?  Or, do we live to have our light burning bright so that others may see a way to their salvation?  Just what God gave me this morning.  Sure making me think.  I know my light does burn differently at different times, but it is always there.  What I found for me today is that it really must be bright enough to lead...bright enough for others to see Jesus.


Fresh Find:  If I baked I would want this carrier for my goodies.  Love it!!!

