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Another Day ...

We must stop building up this New Years Day day as such a big thing.  There are no displays at the stores months in advance trying to tempt us.  There are no gifts, no lights.  There is not even great food or candies!  I mean really, what is the New Years Day hype?

Another day in paradise, right?  Well, I am thankful to be here...even though the light isn't always bright mentally!  I love where I live...I'm so thankful, but that is why we have Thanksgiving.  So, just what does New Years Day do for us?  Isn't this what everyone is asking???

Well, it gives us another day.  It gives us change writing out checks.  The Sonic and grocery stores are open on this day. It allows us to watch the Rose Bowl Parade, which I had never done until today!  I was watching HGTV and it went to the parade so I kept it tuned there.  Wow, what amazing work and beauty I saw in the floats.  Artists hands creating!  The best part of the parade though was when they surprised a military family with the return of their husband & daddy.  That was great!!!



So, New Years Day is pretty much just another day, but for some it is a new day in paradise!!! It may be just another day but I'm really glad to have it!!!


Fresh Find: Inside or outside or even in the car, these cup holders look useful!
