Birthday ...

Happy Birthday Clinton ...

His name is Clinton.  It is his birthday.  In 1993 I wrote this for him and I'll share it again today.



You are the balance of my life.
I am proud and privileged to be your wife.

You are the one constant on whom I can depend.
God gave me a gift when you he did send.

You protect me from others, as well as myself.
You have given me many years of happiness, true wealth.

The scale of my life you keep in perspective.
In His plan God knew I needed to be protected.

With two wonderful children we have been blessed.
From each of us they received the best.

I have not been the wife you deserve.
You’ve wondered, I bet, why God threw you such a curve.

I pray for your continued patience and unending love.
I believe our marriage was created up above.

My dream is to grow old with you by my side.
You making me laugh and holding me through our days and nights.



Fresh Find: What awesome lunch "boxes" for kids of all ages!  ;o) They have a carrying case, too.

