White Trees ...
Encouragement ...

A Few of My Favorite Apps ...

I want to share a few apps that I have really been enjoying and if I use them and share them you know they must be maaavalus dawling!  LOL

Okay, I have recently loaded YouVersion...an awesome Bible reading tool.  I have Olive Tree, as well, but the thing I enjoy on YouVersion is that it reads aloud to me while I read which enforces my learning style.  It has several read through the year options and short studies, too.  You might look into it if you haven't already.


Want to write and share...try Cowbird.


i love, love the ease of Cozi calendar.


Of course i must have a concrete calculator...just in case I'm asked to figure concrete, and I love my level, my flashlight, my notepad, etc.  I really have used Catch, too.


I'm not big on editing photos from a phone but one photo app I like is PopBooth...like pictures from a photo booth!


Anyway, these are a few of my favorites at the moment.  Do share yours!!!


Fresh Find:  I like these fun summer boots!  This Etsy site has some unique items...

