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August 2012

Redhead ...

There are very few books about redheads, but there are a few.  One book that is rare now is The Red Head Book: A Book for and About Redheads by Al Sacharov.  I came across a copy of this book a few years ago to add to my redhead books.  My copy is autographed.  To Dan, Good fortune to a fellow redhead! LOL

I was born a redhead and am still a redhead.  The underneath of my hair is still the coppery red of my childhood and the outside is naturally highlighted with strawberry blonde shades.  I have always loved my hair.  Just like there are few books about redheads, there are few redheads period. 

The author of the Red Head Book reminds us of the phrase that every redhead child has heard, I would rather be dead than red on the head.

In the book there is a favorite fable of mine.


Once upon a time there was a chicken named Humphrey.  Now Humphrey happened to be a Rhode Island Red who somehow got mixed in with a group of Plymouth Rocks.  Nobody would cackle it out loud, but most of the other chickens felt Humphrey was definitely a bad egg.  He was always crowing three hours before the sun rose and then taking off on daylong journeys to scratch for bugs and corn kernels.  None of the other chickens would accompany him since they were content to stay at home, be mellow, and peck at the feed the farmer tossed them.  In fact, the rest of the chickens did their best to stay clear of Humphrey.  “Too intense a guy” they agreed.  Well, one night Humphrey returned home from his travels only to find the coop barren except for a few stray feathers.  All of the other chickens had met the chopping block because of the high demand for chicken wings as hors d’oeuvres at singles bars.


“It’s better to be red than dead,”  - or -  “In a world where conformity is the norm, there are some folks who simply are different, and this difference is their gift.”




Fresh Find: What cute little raindrops rings!


Life ...

Today I took a drive (I will post more about that on blog tomorrow, 7.30.2012) and I was thinking about life.  Everything was before it is.  The seed was and then it blooms.  We are shaped by God and then we are born. 

Isaiah 44:24  MSG "God, your Redeemer, who shaped your life in your mother's womb, says: "I am God. I made all that is. With no help from you I spread out the skies and laid out the earth."

God's word is the living seed.  The Word is life growth that God pushes forth, in his timing, in each believer.  Through it we are offered a new life through Christ.

1 Peter 1:23-25 MSG "Now that you've cleaned up your lives by following the truth, love one another as if your lives depended on it. Your new life is not like your old life. Your old birth came from mortal sperm; your new birth comes from God's living Word. Just think: a life conceived by God himself! That's why the prophet said,    The old life is a grass life, its beauty as short-lived as wildflowers; Grass dries up, flowers droop, God's Word goes on and on forever. This is the Word that conceived the new life in you."

We have all seen pictures of the beautiful sunflowers growing. They are so beautiful and then they dry up.  It appears that their life is done.

040 copy


No, we know that after the beauty there is still usefullness, purpose for those seeds.  We are like that.  Our life is still of value in our old age.  Their is always a purpose for us when we are fed through the Word.  I like the hope for my life found there!

Fresh Find: Do kids still have lockers?  This site has some really cute locker decorations!


The Good & Bad ...

Always hear the bad news first is what I was taught.  Better attitude when good news follows!


Bad news: I drank a big cup of tea last evening while we watched the opening ceremonies of the Olympics and I could not go to sleep afterwards.  It was after 3 a.m. when I shut off the Kindle…love reading, and went to bed.  It was 5:45 when I remember looking at the clock the last time.  Iced tea is the only drink that keeps me awake.  I can drink strong coffee, sodas, whatever, and can go to sleep.  Just no tea.  Smile


Bad news:  We did not hear the Skype call ringing this morning so we missed our chance to see the grand-sisters via video call. Big old boo!


Good news: A friend stopped by and told me about a big decision they made.  We have been praying for God to show the way.  So excited, so excited to see God continually at work in the lives of those he has blessed my life with!!!


Good news:  I think I’ve decided to join a bowling league. 


Fresh Find:  We need something for recycling that doesn’t take up a lot of room.  These come in a set of four…they stack.  Thinking about it.


My Genealogy ...

This morning as I was reading from the book of Romans and I was reminded of my genealogy.

Romans 9:8  "In other words, it is not the children by physical descent who are God’s children, but it is the children of the promise who are regarded as Abraham’s offspring."


Genaology of Jesus

No matter where we come from.  No matter if we feel we "belong" or we don't "belong" to an earthly family...we can belong to God's family!  We are the children of God through his Son, Jesus Christ.  All he asks us to do is accept his promise!

This is a fun idea for your genealogy ...


Fresh Find:  What a clever lemon "spout"!!!


Take a Stand ...

Take a stand or get off of the soap box.  Whine, whine, whine!  It either is or it isn't.  It is a sin or it isn't.  Yes or no.  Stop or go.  It is black or white (which by the way reminds me of one of my favorite quotes...“It takes the black keys and the white keys both, to make perfect harmony.” - Benny Goodman. 

Can we please just agree to disagree?  Hate the sin, love the sinner.  Republican or Democrat.  Hamburger or cheeseburger.  Sweet or sour. 

Don't force your beliefs on me and I won't force my beliefs on you.  I'll pray for my sin and you pray for yours.  I'll pray for our country and you do the same. 

I'm going to take the Word of God as it is written and hold onto all that God has blessed me to know for his purpose for my life and the ministry he has for me to accomplish.  I pray you do the same.  I say it isn't about me.  It isn't about you.  It is about what we do for God, the Creator of everything that is!

So, take a stand...just be sure you pick the right battle! 


Fresh Find: What a great gift this would be for a real book reader!


Shattered Dreams ... Pain ... Tragedy

Dr. Larry Crabb says, "Our shattered dreams are never random.They are always a piece to a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.  Pain is a tragedy.  But it's never only a tragedy... The journey to joy takes us through shattered dreams."

John 12:27-28 MSG says, "Right now I am storm tossed.  And what am I going to say?  Father, get me out of this?  No, this is why I came in the first place.  I'll say, Father, put your glory on display."

I believe in the power of prayer.  I have seen God at work through prayer over and over again.  Believe what you want to, I know what I see and witness to be true. 

So many people are hurting. Every day is filled with prayer requests for those whose dreams are shattered, who are experiencing a sudden tragedy, are weighted down under a pain that is unbearable. 

This is my quest, to follow that matter how hopeless life seems, no matter how far from me they are.  Through prayer, we can show God's love, healing, mercy, grace, miracles!

Are you hurting today?  I know life is unfair.  We can't understand the finished book for God is its author.  What I do know is that God is faithful to hear our prayers.  To God be the Glory!!! I hope you find joy in this!


Fresh Find: What a cute side table!



Well, the DVDs are ready at KK's.  They took all of our videos and have transferred them to DVD for safe keeping ... at least until a new type of recording device is readily available to copy to. 

I actually have the equipment to transfer them, but it takes forever.  They [KK's]have been working on them for 6 months!  It would take me years!!!  Can't wait to watch them...and laugh!

So, this means a trip to Lubbock.  I need to look again at a camera.  Mine took a hard fall and is needing to go to a rest-home.  I might see if the husband can get off early and go with me.  Then we can eat out...of course, at El Chico! ;o)


Fresh Find:  What cute bracelets! ON SALE!


Book ...

Lately the thought has been crossing my mind to take the quotes, writings, thoughts, etc. that God has given me through the years and putting them into book form with some of the pictures HE has given me the eyes to see.  I really don't see a need in this.  No one really wants to look at books much anymore.  Then the thought will come that says, "If you might encourage one person..."

This would be a huge undertaking and just one more that I know nothing about.  I know that I was given the name of a company where I can create & order the books.  I can't imagine that anyone outside of my - count on one hand friends - who I would give one to anyway, would be interested. Maybe I should just do it for the few...not the masses!

Pray for me as I pray for direction regarding this.  :O)


Fresh Find: What a beautiful fountain this is!


Priority ...

I grew up knowing that no matter how hard you played on Saturday night, you still got up and attending Sunday School on Sunday morning.  Maybe that's why I rarely went out on a Saturday night!  LOL

We still believe and follow this thought today.  It is hard though, to drag out of bed when your eyes are heavy.  The thing is, if I take on a project and need to stay up until whatever hour to get that accomplished and then I am tired come Sunday I sleep in or do I get up and worship God who blesses me beyond measure?  It is a personal decision that each of us must make within our own relationship with Christ.  For me, to not get up and worship says that God is not the priority in my life. 

I think the thing for me to do is to not take on projects that don't allow rest to come until the early hours of morn on a Saturday evening.  :O)


Fresh Find:  I don't have an iPad, but boy if I did.  I'd buy this book soooo, I could laugh!  ;o)
