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Today I drove out to a sweet friends house to make a delivery.  On the way home I took a couple of pictures of HPC (High Plains Concrete) from a distance...

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Then I took a landscape shot...

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This morning I walked the Hike & Bike Trail home from Joliet Street.  After my little highway trip this afternoon I walked to United and back.  On the way home I saw one of my "once upon a time" second graders.  One of my favorites (hint: they all are favorites) she will enter the 7th grade next year.  How can this be?  It is true that time flies...whether we are having fun or not!  LOL  Anyway, this soon to be 7th grader (one of my favorites) will be graduating soon as in ...the blink of an eye!  It is so fun to watch the kids grow up!!!

Picked some peaches today.  They are small and there are lots.  I almost have to pick them right before they get ripe to keep the birds & squirrels away from them.  They are so good!!!


Still working on the Cotton Baron's Ball for the ACS here in Plainview.  It is July 21st.  We are going to have an awesome silent auction. :O)


I hope I get to sleep late tomorrow & have nothing to do :O)  Well, I do need to clean the car out, get a fountain all packed for someone, pick some peaches, do some laundry, etc.  I just like staying home, especially when it is over 100 degrees outside.  Two things just wear me out...heat & going to Lubbock.  ;o)


Fresh Find:  Toot & Tootsie are ready for Christmas.  They are on sale.  Too cute!
