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June 2012

Re-discovered Pictures ...

Last night I really wanted to organize something.  I had been avoiding seperating pictures and news clippings accumulated through the years by family, friends, Aaron, Chrissa, Phyllis, Clinton, and now Adelyn, and Dylan.

There is no better time than the present...right?

So about midnight I went to the basement and sorted through it all.  What fun.  So many memories there! 

As I was going through I re-discovered a little book my mother made me for my 40th birthday.  So priceless...even if some of the childhood & growing up pictures she included weren't very becoming of me. LOL

Here are a few pictures from the book...


I remember this swimsuit.  One of my favorites!  It had "cups" and I did not!  LOL


This is a picture of l to R: Teresa Edwards, Debby Duncan, Phyllis Dayton, and Janis Alexander.  My mother took us to Ruidoso several summers.  Looks like we were dressed to go to the dance up the hill. :O)


The style at the time.  Early 70s.  No, don't take my picture!!!


Lorena Dayton (my mother), me, Chrissa (our daughter), and Lucy May Etter (my grandmother).  Four girls of four generations.


Many think I am an only child, but I am not.  I have an older brother.  He is seven years my senior!  LOL  This is one of my favorite pictures.  It isn't really a very clear picture, but it is one of the very few of just us two as adults.  :O)


Fresh Find:  These sure might be worth a try.  Saw them featured on the Anderson Cooper show.  I ordered the sleep ones.  We shall see!  ;o)


37 Years ...

On today's date, 37 years ago, God blessed me with a wonderful husband.  Our road together has certainly found some interesting curves, two wonderful children, a few bumps, precious grand-sisters, and we count ourselves blessed from the road well traveled.  God is the core of our relationship.  From the time I prayed for who God would send into my life, and me into this person's life, He has been faithful to walk with us.

I don't have many souvenir type things from my growing up years, but my mother did save a wedding file for us.  It is fun to look through it from time to time.


The announcement in the Plainview Daily Herald...


This is the invitation to our bridal shower. These women were and are such influences in my life!



This is our wedding invitation.  Green.  Green is the color of so many ordinary things!  I love nature. Guess that showed up in my invitation selection in 1975!!!



This is my bridal portrait.  My mother spent hours pearling this.



Our wedding party in the (original) chapel of First Baptist Church, Plainview, Texas.


One of the rice bags from the wedding.



And, the bottom line.  The total cost for a guest list of about 400 was...drum roll please...


That's about 5.00 per person.  Way cheaper than weddings of today!!!  LOL


I want to say HAPPY 37th ANNIVERSARY to my best friend, Thomas Clinton Wall. :O)

Fresh Find: I love this blanket for my (imaginary) beach house!


Are You Real?

I asked the question, Are you real?, on Facebook.  I sometimes want to go up to people I know and ask this very question. 

One friend said, Yes, all four of my personalities are real!"

A young person said, "Well I'm not plastic, a cartoon or digital so yeah I'd say I'm real."

One said it depends on what "real" is. Another mentioned it depends on what others see.

I like real.  The dictionary has several definitions.  I like this one: genuine; not counterfeit, artificial, or imitation; authentic.  You know the kind where what you see is what you get :O)

I don't understand people who play games with people...especially to get something from them or to make themselves feel better or look important.  Is this who we have become?  What is real these days?  Can we handle REAL people?  :O)


Fresh Find: Baseball fans...I like this!



and I just have to share this version of the old classic baseball song!


Phobia ...

I wonder if everyone has some sort of phobia?  Phobias was the talk on Anderson today.  Phobia of cats, balloons,mannequins, squirrels, snakes, etc. were the phobias looked at on the show.

They talked about the mental illness of having a phobia.  I must be REALLY mentally ill because I have several phobias.

1. I do not like massive concrete structures like dams.  It goes back to my childhood and a time where a dam opened and nearly swept my brother away.  I was a young girl and the power that came through the concrete structure was bigger than all of us.

2. I do not like snakes of any kind.  Growing up on Irene Street and close to the Running Water Draw area we often had snakes in our yard.  They entered my dreams and became real...they were the vacuum cleaner hose in the hall, they were a cord on the floor...they were real...and scary!

3. I fear being closed up in a small space.  I need lots of space around me.  Good thing I will be dead when they place me in a casket, right?  LOL  Being buried alive in a casket was often a nightmare of mine.  I'm not sure why I have this fear...maybe from my brother covering my head with a blanket or pillow?  ;o)  Doesn't seem like that would cause it, but I have never known the underlying reason for it.  Something that happened before I was old enough to remember???

4. I don't like to be surprised.  I know...a control issue!  ;o)

5. I don't much care for balloons, fire, spiders, ...

I know a lady who is fearful of clowns.  I like clowns.  See, isn't it interesting how traumatic instances in childhood create deep scars?  What do we do to our kids as a society that will haunt them forever?


Fresh Find: These shoes look like they might work!


Mamma Said...

Mamma said there would be days like this, mamma said.  My mamma never said this, but I remember this song.  I have started writing my thoughts on this blog three times and they just are not going anywhere.  One of those times when I just can't wrap my mind around what it is that God has for me to share today.

I thought it was on the fine line between judging and standing up for what we believe in.  Nope.

I thought about how different learning styles in teaching & reaching students is so important.  Nope.

Hmmm, next was rainy days & Sundays always get me down, but that is only half true.

Now, I look up and David from the Broadway Brew had written some prices for me on a piece of paper for our women's community Help in A Handbag event Sunday.  At the top of this paper it says, Guest Check.

Okay God...guest check?  Really??? 

We are guests here in this beautiful God created world.  While we are here there are things that I believe God expects from us.  Like Father & child.  Oh yes, He sent Jesus to show love to the world through his sacrifice for our sins, but God is GOD and I believe we will be held accountable for what is written on our "guest check"...

In Ecclesiastes 12:14 For God will bring every work into judgment, with every hidden thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

Each day our "guest check" should be created to honor God.  I find instruction on how to accomplish this in Matthew 22:37-38.

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.


Fresh Find:  I love this "equal" dish towel!


Mother's Day ...

We had Mother's Day lunch with Clinton's mom & dad and dinner with my mom this evening.  My brother and his family came in.  Here are a few pictures that I took with my phone camera.  We walked (in the rain) to the restaurant so I did not carry my camera :O( 


Our mother, Lorena Dayton, and Robert Matthews.


Nanny, with her grandson,Carey Dayton and his youngest son, Adam.


Nanny & Robert with Mariah.


Chelsie, Gina, Robert, Mariah, and Nanny.



John, Debby, Robert, and Lorena.



Well, BOO!  I did not get Clinton in the picture with us :O(  This is me with my mother, Lorena Etter Dayton.


Fresh Find:  Have a wet phone, iPad, etc.?  Get a Bheestie bag!


Scissors ...

I discovered today that I have a thing for scissors.  I think I feel like I have something when I have plenty of scissors.  We do have something...plenty of scissors!  LOL  I use scissors a lot.  We do have some pretty cool scissors and lots of ordinary scissors, too. 


023 copy

Fresh Find: Love this mustard seed bracelet!!!


Relay ...

It is nearly 3 a.m. and I am home from our Relay for Life.  It was fun, I'm glad it is over, and I pray they find a cure for cancer!


These guys worked pretty hard to help Relay be a successs!



This sign made me happy everytime I glanced over at it!



Our future leaders!!!


Getting ready for the cancer survivors!!!


I think the time has come for a hot bath and bed.  Good night...I mean morning!  Have an awesome Saturday!!!


Fresh Find:  Cute umbrella.  It rained here in Plainview most of the day so this would have come in handy!


Pain ...

I have always said I have a high pain tolerance.  There is even a report that redheads require more anesthesia to knock us out.  I decided today that I'm just too ignorant to recognize it until it knocks me down!


I'm excited for our local Relay for Life Friday, May 11th!  Really the American Cancer Society through your local Relay for Life and Cotton Baron's Ball...the ACS does great things.  We have so many, seems like someone new everyday, that are fighting this pain filled cancer battle. Visit the ACS website at


I rode with my Mom and Robert to Abernathy to help decorate for his birthday party & dance today at the Struve building.  There is a little bakery there.  They were closing as we drove up...too bad!  Oh, on the pain connection...I like being in control of the wheels I'm riding in ;O)


Psalm 34:19 ... The righteous person may have many troubles,  but the Lord delivers him from them all.


Miss D's grandmom took this picture.  It is blurry, but still so cute!!!



Fresh Find:  I like this cuff!




Cherish ...

It is time for our Hale County Relay for Life this weekend.  I Relay for my Cranny (Lucy May Etter).  She had Multiple Myeloma cancer.  She had a quadruple bypass and brain surgery, too.  She was a strong woman. It was one of my greatest joys to be with her during this time, taking her to many of her treatments.  She always wanted to ride in a convertible and I got to experience that with her, too.  Cherish is the word that comes to mind.  I cherish those times.

Mother's Day starts the new week this upcoming Sunday.  My grandmother taught me many things.  Everyone thinks re purposing or up-cycling is new, but it isn't.  She was doing it way back when.  She had to though.  She didn't do it just to be in style, it was her lifestyle.  I learned so much. Happy Mother's Day to all of the mothers leaving great legacies for their loved ones!  Cherish!


Fresh Find: I love these little glow birds for outdoor ambiance!