Saving ...
A Day in the Life ...

Time ...

Time just goes by too quickly!  I saw where one of the Hale County Relay for life volunteers mentioned on facebook that it was 2 weeks till our Relay!  I about croaked!  How did it get here already?

Fortunately I have been gathering everything for the education area for several months.  I just needed to get it all down in my mind how the area was going to work...come together. 

I've worked the last two days getting what was in my mind for each area within the education area planned out and created.  I'm there.  Now...if it just works!

CELEBRATION RELAY is this year's Relay theme.  When we think about celebration milestones in our lives we can all remember those first and last days of school!  Learning is good!  "WELCOME to RELAY HIGHER EDUCATION" will be the name of our celebration area.

Before I know it the Relay will be over and I will move on to the Help in a Handbag community event.  Then it will be time for ...

It never ends because there are always needs to be met.  Time is fleeting, but helping others lasts! :O)


Have a wonderful Sunday!


Fresh Find: I bought this tea pitcher and it is perfect!  It makes just the right amount of tea for my day!!! The lid holds the bag perfectly in place and is soft so I can squeeze the water out of the bag.

