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March 2012
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May 2012

Garden ...

For The Garden Of Your Daily Living:

Plant Three (3) Rows Of Peas:

1.  Peace Of Mind
2.  Peace Of Heart
3.  Peace Of Soul

Plant Four (4) Rows Of Squash:

1. Squash Gossip
2. Squash Indifference
3. Squash Grumbling
4. Squash Selfishness

Plant Four (4) Rows Of Lettuce:

1. Lettuce Be Faithful
2. Lettuce Be Kind
3. Lettuce Be Patient
4. Lettuce Really Love One Another

No Garden Is Without Turnips:

1. Turnip For Meetings
2. Turnip For Service
3. Turnip To Help One Another

To Conclude Our Garden, We Must Have Thyme:

1.  Thyme For Each Other
2.  Thyme For Family
3.  Thyme For Friends

Water Freely With Patience And Cultivate With Love.
There Is Much Fruit In Your Garden Because, You Reap What You Sow.

Come To The Garden Alone, While The Dew Is Still On The Roses...



Grandpa's little bike rider, Miss A!  He [grandpa] worked really hard with her helping her to learn to ride.  What a joy to watch this little girl and her sister bloom! 


Fresh Find: I love these rain boots with bright colored soles.  How fun!


Better Batting Average ...

Well, I'm feeling like I've got a better batting average today.  Just feeling so much better.  The events of the episode have turned so bad that they are almost comical. If I hadn't felt so bad I might have gotten ugly about it so me not feeling good has been someones saving grace!  LOL

A series of errors has left no one on base.  Can this happen in baseball?  I think not.  Actually I'm at a God place so, I know things will work out.  Everyone has been very nice even though they think i'm nutso!  Muscle relaxers tend to make me that way. LOL

Speaking of baseball...Wayland plays here at the Wayland baseball field tomorrow (Thursday)...a double header.  I hope the weather is perfect???  I want to go and take my Kindle and read!!!  ;o)  Not really!  I'll watch the game.  LOL

Speaking of baseball.  Not many know more about baseball than Grandpa.  Here he is with Adelyn when she was just a couple of weeks old.  You can see that bond and they still have it.  I'm proudest of that!!!


After Christmas Surprise 12.27 (10)

We may have grand-sisters, but they know their baseball!



Fresh Find:  Is there someone special who just might need a pretty silver spoon with their name stamped on it tucked in an arrangement or pot of flowers?  Or, get one for each of your dinner guests and use as place spoons!!! Special!


Just Me ...

One of the things that I know about myself is that I do not know how to best verbalize my thoughts in a way that does not offend others.  I don't mean it all like it comes out.  There is nothing I can do about it.  It is a part of who I am.  I work really hard at trying to get it right, but it just doesn't seem to work sometimes.  For that I can say I'm sorry, but I won't apologize for the me that God created.  :O)


So, life didn't get much better today around the house.  I had to move some things so I re-injured the back, my nose is allergic to whatever is in the air and it tried running around the block today...I caught it though so, no worries!  The house is completely covered in dust so this means the house will have to be cleaned from top to bottom, inside and out!  This is why old people die with harvest gold and avocado green appliances! Remind me...NEVER AGAIN! Is it just me or is keeping a house updated over rated? LOL


I need to be open to where I'm going to be attending Sunday School this Sunday.  Three weeks ago was my last Sunday encouraging in the 2nd grade department.  We were out of town Easter weekend and I was ill last week so...this next Sunday I will start the search for where God wants me to serve him.  Please pray for me as I follow God's lead. It's just me, but I'm all his!


Fresh Find: I like these sunglasses.


Slump ...

I'm going through a slump.  Can it get any worse?  Well, actually it sure can.  I was sitting in the recliner this afternoon with a horrible cold and an injured back thinking about the news I had just gotten that the workers broke the top on our new cook-top oven...when what should come on television but an elderly woman who lost everything in the Oklahoma tornado.  You got life today is a piece of cake!


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Just got a call from a friend and amazing news.  One of our friends got great news about their cancer.  God is so good!!!


The lesson...

When we think we are in a slump we need to re-evaluate our lives and realize that there are always others carrying a heavier load.  I realize that when we are down it seems like we just can't make it better, but God can.  He allows us to see beyond ourselves!!!



Fresh Find:  I have posted this "green" trash bag holder before, But I love it so much!!!


I am in the Weeds ...

I am in the weeds.  Not literally, but something is making me not feel good so I'm going to blame it on the weeds. 

Something is choking me.  I feel like I can't get out of the hold of pain coming from several directions.  So, I'll chop from one direction and then another until I feel like the root of this pain is gone!

Maybe I need to have this pain filled time to appreciate the beauty in the weeds.  To us they are a nuisance but, weeds can be very pretty.

I feel pretty, oh so pretty.  I feel pretty and witty and gay...not so much.  I will though soon, very soon.  


Fresh Find: What a clever idea.  Take a much needed smock alarm and make it fun!


So Big...


Our oldest grand-sister is getting so big.  I wonder how full her cart got?  Did she pay for her items herself?  How long did this last?

Ohhh, about that long!  LOL



I love getting to see the grand-sisters grow and experience new things!!! :O)


Enjoy your Sunday...worship, then fun-day!!!


Fresh Find:  I love this utility cart!  Too, too, cute!



I had graduated from Plainview High School, gone to West Texas State University for a semester, then come home to Plainview to work at Gabriel's Department Store, until we were married. At Gabriel's I learned the shoe business from Dickie Perkins and Frank Gabriel.  I was trained by the best!!!

Then we moved to Lubbock for Clinton to finish school.  He worked several jobs, but one was at Christmastime at W.D. Wilkins. Where he actually bought me a beautiful dinner ring. I still cherish it today!

I went to work at Latham's Department Store as a shoe buyer's assistant.  I worked with several women, but oddly enough two of these other women were redheads.  So the shoe department had 3 redheads in control of the situation there.  It ran like clockwork.

I remember the beautiful shoes that we carried. I especially loved deLiso Debs brand, they were so feminine!


While Lew Dee was sales manager at KSEL, he called on one of his most loyal advertisers, Latham's Department Store. Latham's owner had recently named Diana Karvas as marketing director, and Lew was told he needed to talk to her.  Diana was the buyer for the junior lines of clothing and I always thouyght she was so cool!  I remember the first meetings of these two "famous" souls.  It seems they were meant to fall in love.  It was the talk of the store.


Latham employee Jean Berry who has been in the store for eight years and Larry Winton, Tech sophomore, who is a part time member of the shoe salon staff cordially invited you to visit Latham's Shoe Salon at 34th and Flint and meet the new department manager Greg Threat.  Take advantage of the genuine saving in top quality Miss Constance pumps and other well known brands at Latham's Shoe Salon that include Red Cross, Socialite, Town Country, and Miss Wonderful.  Childrens shoes at Lathams include Red Goose, Alexis, and the popular P F Flyers.  For Men Lathams also offers the man in the family one of the best selections of Freeman Shoes. You'll always find plenty of parking in Flintwood Center at the corner of 34th and Flint.  Shop Lathams Department store in Southwest Lubbock for clothes for every member of the family.

Another fond memory...Jean Berry, my boss.  She was another redhead and we just clicked.  I loved working at Latham's.

It was a fun place to be.  My mother bought my dad a ring there from the jewelry counter and we used my discount.  I have that ring. It is special.

Working at Lathams was fun!


Oh, I remember Dick Proctor.  We called him the Scout man.  He new everything about the Boy Scout gear.  Such a nice man.


Latham's is where they loved to walk up behind me getting a drink from the water fountain and scare me.  I would scream, then cry.  They laughed!


I worked in the shoe department.  Went to market and helped buy shoes. I loved shoes and I still do!  I can tell a lot about a person from their shoes.  It is called "shoe reading"...


Fresh Find: If you have always wanted more it is! You just wear it in a different place.






It was a strange day for me.  After running 102+ fever yesterday and sleeping more than I have slept in forever, I just knew today was bound to be better.  It was.  My back still hurts, but I only ran 100 fever and it is all gone now. I feel like I am among the living again!!!

Strange thing mom called and wanted us to go to Walmart together.  She has taken a couple of bad falls lately.  Just clumsy working and not paying attention falls, but still.  I think she just wasn't feeling 100%.  We had fun at Wally World.  I'm so thankful that I am here for her to call on and that she will call on me when she feels she needs me.  She is so is her daughter!

Our Miss A went to her first Ranger baseball game of the season...she is no stranger to the Rangers!



The outcome of American Idol was strange tonight.  The judges made such a big deal about America's choices...makes me feel badly for the other contestants.  I know who I want to you?


Tomorrow I will do yard work and help set up for the Princess for the King event this Saturday.  May God richly bless each who attend and prepare the hearts of us all to serve for his glory.

Fresh Find: I love this reusable shopping bag. :O)


Sleep ...

Sometimes it is good to just sleep.  That was my day today...sleep. You know I don't feel good if I sleep. :O( This afternoon I discovered a fever of 102.  I don't feel sick except that every bone hurts!  A crazy kind of feel bad!  Sleep is good on days like this.

I will be ALL better tomorrow!


One of our joys...



and our other little joy!


Fresh Find:  I have bought some really cute pens from this young lady.  I love the Tech one.  She has Texas Ranger's, too!



Eye Sight ...

Last night I started having trouble with my right eye.  It became really itchy and tons of gross gunk was running from it and it turned really red & irritated looking.

I thought I must have pink eye.  I kept flushing it with my dry eye eye drops. 

Several times during the night I woke up knowing that my eye was dried closed.  It hurt to touch it.

By the time morning came my eye was crusty, closed, and swollen closed and my face around my eye was swollen, too. 

By the time I got it open it looked like the whole bottom of my eyeball was full of fluid and hanging out over my lower lid.  That scared me.  I headed to the eye doctor.

He saw me first thing and I did not have pink eye.  My eye was actually never sensitive to light.  I had something in it that irritated it.  I got some eye drops and placed an ice pack on it and those helped.

It is still swollen tonight, but nothing as freakish as it was this morning!  So, today...I'm so thankful for my eyesight!!!  (and my eye doctor that saw me unannounced!) 


Easter pictures with the grand-sisters are loaded. :O)


Fresh Find:  I love this turtle table/bench and think it would be awsome in our yard!!! :O)