Previous month:
March 2012
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May 2012

Musical ...

I'm not sure why I was created with no musical ability, but I was.  Or, maybe I have it, but I was never able to grow it.  I know that God loves my praise in song regardless of the sound. 

Both of our kids had the opportunity to learn music and I'm glad about that.

I want our grand-sisters to have that same opportunity because musical ability is such an important talent to have.

Miss A loves music...


Fresh Find: I love these Biblical footed bowls!


A Day in the Life ...

A day in the life of a little girl.  I can almost remember those carefree days where all I had to worry about was what I was going to do next.

We did not have bouncers in my growing up years, but I know I could have spent hours in it.  Miss A loves it!



I don't remember having the option for face & body painting as a kid either.  I don't know that I would have been as brave as our oldest grand-sister.  Well, her mommy IS there with her!  LOL


.Taking a little bike riding break, Miss A, is playing baton.  Her mommy did not have a helmet in her early bike riding days or twirling sure would have been wise to wear it when she was doing those tosses!  Of course, Miss A is the teacher.  She knows how to do it already.  Just watch.  LOL  Of course, she has already had another practice today.  They might have opened a bag of batons here!  LOL  (for you that don't know, her mommy was a wonderful twirler)



Oh to be young and carefree!  ;o)

Fresh Find:  What a great cabinet or counter beauty organizer!

Time ...

Time just goes by too quickly!  I saw where one of the Hale County Relay for life volunteers mentioned on facebook that it was 2 weeks till our Relay!  I about croaked!  How did it get here already?

Fortunately I have been gathering everything for the education area for several months.  I just needed to get it all down in my mind how the area was going to work...come together. 

I've worked the last two days getting what was in my mind for each area within the education area planned out and created.  I'm there.  Now...if it just works!

CELEBRATION RELAY is this year's Relay theme.  When we think about celebration milestones in our lives we can all remember those first and last days of school!  Learning is good!  "WELCOME to RELAY HIGHER EDUCATION" will be the name of our celebration area.

Before I know it the Relay will be over and I will move on to the Help in a Handbag community event.  Then it will be time for ...

It never ends because there are always needs to be met.  Time is fleeting, but helping others lasts! :O)


Have a wonderful Sunday!


Fresh Find: I bought this tea pitcher and it is perfect!  It makes just the right amount of tea for my day!!! The lid holds the bag perfectly in place and is soft so I can squeeze the water out of the bag.


Saving ...

Genesis 41:34-36 ... Let Pharaoh appoint commissioners over the land to take a fifth of the harvest of Egypt during the seven years of abundance. They should collect all the food of these good years that are coming ... This food should be held in reserve for the country, to be used during the seven years of famine that will come ... so that the country may not be ruined by the famine.

As I read these scriptures again this morning what stood out to me today was a fifth.  Save a fifth.  Yes, we have taxes wherever we live that help take care of where we live, but who provides for us when we have a "drought" in our lives?  I started thinking...we never know when something is going to strike that knocks us off of our feet.  If we put back, saved, invested, at least a fifth of what we earn, we could become more prepared for these times.  A fifth is 20% of what we make.  That sounds like a lot until we have nothing.  God instructed that a fifth was to be saved in the good times to be prepared for the bad times.

Oh my.  Was I just talking about money?  Yikes!  I'll ruin my reputation...LOL


Never forget to tithe and help others, too!

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. 1 Corinthians 9:7-8 


Fresh Find:  If I will never have my little house on the beach with flowing white sheers and turquoise leather sofa...then maybe this dress?  :O)


Beautiful Nature ...

"Nothing quite compares to watching the production of a seed planted opening up to the heavens!"


I planted the seeds for this plant and it is growing!  Makes me smile.  Call this city girl farmer Phyllis!  LOL

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What beautiful showers God blessed us with today.  Three showers for me to sit on the porch, read, and watch!

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Fresh Find:  I love this watch.


The Best ...

I had this serious post going all about trials and perseverance and I just wasn't feeling it today.  I haven't been feeling writing a lot lately.  I have never claimed to be a writer.  Actually, I have never claimed to be anything.  I have said that I can do lots of things, but I don't do anything better than someone else.  This is not to put myself down.  It is more my admiration for others abilities. 

There is a song that says, Anything you can do I can do better.  I can do anything better than you.  Maybe at some point in my life I should have grasped that bull by the horns and determined that I was going to be the best at something, anything. It just isn't in the Phyllis that God created.

If I were going to be the best at something, these are some things that I would choose:




Well, I've been sitting here thinking and I haven't thought of one thing that I want to be the best at.  You see, this is because I know people who I think are the best in every area of life.  God has blessed me beyond anything I could ever imagine...just knowing these people.  So, I guess, what I do best is allowing others to be the best at what they do!!! 


On another note.  I want to thank my mother for teaching me two very important lessons.  First, anything worth doing is worth doing right the first time. Second, don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.  Thanks mom.  With all my love I thank you for helping me drive myself crazy with these two obsessions!!!  LOL


Fresh Find: I love. LOVE this chair.  It reminds me of an old school desk gone chic!  I could place my Kindle right underneath the seat.  :O)


CHH ...

Let's call this new workout, Clean Home Hone (CHH). Two days of up and down a ladder then cleaning the wood floor on my hands and knees has me in shape.  Not sure what kind of shape, but every fiber of my body hurts.  One more day of extensive CHH and I'll be fit for another few months.  Good thing this type of working out lasts so long.  I don't think a body can handle it too often!!!


Fresh Find: A great book for anyone needing to know.




P-lease, I'm dying here!  Cleaning house from top to bottom again.  I'm too old for this ;o) Well, it's true.  The older I get the less my body bends, gets down and back up, and hurts more!  It doesn't help that I hurt my back and have had allergies for over two weeks now.  Pity party p-lease!!!  Not really.  I'm going to survive!!!  I have the three rooms put back together & cleaned from the workers being here.  I'm so excited they are out of our home :O)


The most b-eautiful one year old in the world!!!  Our grand-sister, Miss D, poolside!


Daddy & Miss A (the most b-eautiful 3 year old grand-sister in the world) learning to swim!


Fresh Find:  I want one of these :O)


Don't Forget ...

This morning in worship we were brought before the Lord in worship in a magnificent way.  God used Jerry Rassamni this weekend in Plainview through the ExperienceMission 2012 at Wayland Baptist University and through his words this morning in worship at First Baptist Church, Plainview, Texas.

Jerry Rassamni, author of Jihad to Jesus, shared his testimony of his journey from former Muslim Militia fighter to acceptance of love from Jesus Christ.

Because of the powerful message I do want to share it with you.  Below is a 5 part series I found on YouTube so you can watch it.  Each one is not long.  I believe your life will be changed, as mine was.








The two words that stood out to me while listening were, first encounter.  Don't forget your first encounter. Do you remember that first encounter with Jesus?  I do.  I was seven and I remember the love for him that he breathed into me.  I will never forget it.  I will never forget the love he showed for me through his death.  I will never forget his resurrection and the  gift of the Holy Spirit that walks with me and talks with me along life's narrow way.  Jesus Loves me this I know.

God is the miracle worker!


Fresh Find: If you like Coca-Cola then these are pretty cute dishwasher safe glasses.


Re-purpose ...

It is fun to re-purpose.  I would need a "shop" if I were to do all that my mind thinks of doing with things!  I said earlier this week I was going out to McDonald's Trading post to buy a few things to re-purpose.  I will share my garden finds with you here :O)

The first one is an emergency flasher plastic lens from atop a work vehicle.  They come in a variety of colors.  I selected blue.


Next, I took an old elbow drain piece, painted it black, and planted some pretty little flowers in it to place by the sink.  Makes me smile. :O)


Finally, I found this great industrial kitchen beater paddle.  I placed it on an old handle and placed in a vine bed.  Vines love something to climb!!!


And, lastly...I have loved using these metal conveyor belt guides to trim the flower bed!


Fresh Find:  What a wonderful re-purposed way to store those daily pills...and a piece of art I might add!
