Time ...
Musical ...

A Day in the Life ...

A day in the life of a little girl.  I can almost remember those carefree days where all I had to worry about was what I was going to do next.

We did not have bouncers in my growing up years, but I know I could have spent hours in it.  Miss A loves it!



I don't remember having the option for face & body painting as a kid either.  I don't know that I would have been as brave as our oldest grand-sister.  Well, her mommy IS there with her!  LOL


.Taking a little bike riding break, Miss A, is playing baton.  Her mommy did not have a helmet in her early bike riding days or twirling days...it sure would have been wise to wear it when she was doing those tosses!  Of course, Miss A is the teacher.  She knows how to do it already.  Just watch.  LOL  Of course, she has already had another practice today.  They might have opened a bag of batons here!  LOL  (for you that don't know, her mommy was a wonderful twirler)



Oh to be young and carefree!  ;o)

Fresh Find:  What a great cabinet or counter beauty organizer!
