It's funny how I discover that I have aged. It comes to me in simple things like waking in the mornings and Mr. Arthur D. Pain is there with me. Oh, after I get up and move around I'm fine, but it is one sign that I have aged.
I've discovered, too, that mirrors reflect me differently than they use to. Cheap things they make now! LOL
What really lets me know that I have aged is when I see pictures of kids that came through our second grade Sunday School department at First Baptist Church here in Plainview years ago.
As I was browsing facebook I saw this AMAZING picture. The picture is of a softball pitcher in perfect form. The picture was taken by my friend Rachel. She is one of the most creative writers, photographers, and artists that I know. Rachel just happens to live with the girl in the picture.

The little girl's name was Katie. She walked into the second grade Sunday School department that first Sunday and I knew she was special. She was a little girl carrying a heavy load, but she didn't let it get her down. She had many who loved her. I have kept up with her through the years and she has grown into such a beautiful young woman, inside and out!
When I looked at this picture on facebook, I had a flash back to that year in second grade when God blessed me with meeting little Katie...and her family. I'm still blessed to know them!!!
Yes, I've aged, but I would not trade these special moments for anything. I'm blessed!!!
Fresh Find: How about a few cute giraffes made from soda cans?