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February 2012
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April 2012

Pickling ...

My find from the estate sale is this book on pickling in small quantities.  I love it.  I'll cherish it because it belongs to my friend's mother.


012 copy

Butters . Catsups . Chutneys . Brandied Fruits . Mincemeats . Pickles . Pickled & Spiced Fruits . Pickled & Spiced Vegetables . Relishes . Quick Relishes . Sauces . Vinegars


Fresh Find: Cute tops!!!


Junior Two ...

In looking through the old First Baptist Church's Loyalty Award Album I had to stop and laugh.  We were in the Junior Two class.  Do you recognize these people?


These were our fearless leaders...



And these are their precious 10 year old students...


Fresh Find:  I like these little black canvas & leather flats from Barney's New York!!!


Memory ...

I admire people who have a memory.  I honestly don't.  I wish I knew why.  I really do.  It has always been so frustrating.  It is more my recall.  Sometimes Clinton will ask me if I remember something and I don't.  Often after he gives me a "clue" I can vaguely remember it.  You might say that getting old os tough!  LOL  It seems to be worse now, but I don't think it is my old age. ;o)  So, if I don't remember something...give me a few minutes to try and bring it back!!! Life is never dull...if I can remember it :O)


Fresh Find: Tried the Eni?



When I think about being afraid, there is really just one time that I have really feared for my life.  We lived in Lubbock while Clinton finished up at Tech after we were married.  We lived in a brand new complex right across from the university on like 8th Street, I think.  First we lived in an efficiency apartment, but after the first year we moved into a one bedroom apartment.  It was the last one on the bottom floor closest to the street.

I was cooking something and needed an ingredient, maybe milk...or bread.  There was a convenience store about a half block down a short alleyway.  People walked there all of the time.  It was just getting dark.  I headed over to get whatever it was I needed.  I paid and as I was paying I stepped back a step and glanced outside.  I saw someone standing outside and felt the hairs on my neck raise up (this happens to me when I am around someone that is bad).

I walked out of the store with my bag and turned the corner to head down the somewhat lighted alley.  As I walked I suddenly heard steps behind me.  As I walked faster, they walked faster.  There was no one else around anywhere.  I glanced back and all I could see was someone in dark clothing.  I walked even faster, almost a run.  They did the same.  As I reached the curb I was running and they were right behind me and as I started to jump across the street their hand was on my shoulder.

I dropped my shoulder and jumped.  I landed on the other side of the street and ran to our apartment door, but I couldn't get in.  Clinton was in the shower and I couldn't make the key work.  The person stood there watching me.  I was afraid.

I knew that God had just carried me over that street and offered me protection.  I never walked to that store again!


Fresh Find:  What a fun storage device!!!


I Have Aged...

It's funny how I discover that I have aged.  It comes to me in simple things like waking in the mornings and Mr. Arthur D. Pain is there with me.  Oh, after I get up and move around I'm fine, but it is one sign that I have aged.

I've discovered, too, that mirrors reflect me differently than they use to.  Cheap things they make now!  LOL

What really lets me know that I have aged is when I see pictures of kids that came through our second grade Sunday School department at First Baptist Church here in Plainview years ago. 

As I was browsing facebook I saw this AMAZING picture.  The picture is of a softball pitcher in perfect form.  The picture was taken by my friend Rachel.  She is one of the most creative writers, photographers, and artists that I know.  Rachel just happens to live with the girl in the picture. 




The little girl's name was Katie. She walked into the second grade Sunday School department that first Sunday and I knew she was special. She was a little girl carrying a heavy load, but she didn't let it get her down. She had many who loved her. I have kept up with her through the years and she has grown into such a beautiful young woman, inside and out!

When I looked at this picture on facebook, I had a flash back to that year in second grade when God blessed me with meeting little Katie...and her family. I'm still blessed to know them!!!


Yes, I've aged, but I would not trade these special moments for anything.  I'm blessed!!!


Fresh Find:  How about a few cute giraffes made from soda cans?
