Summer, where art though?
W. Stewart???

uTube vs GodTube

We all enjoy on line videos...if we are even a little bit computer literate!  I don't search out videos on uTube or GodTube, but often I am forwarded something from them.  More from uTube than GodTube which is sad in itself.  Both have some great work on them.  I tend to enjoy the funnies on uTube and the theme of GodTube.  Both have powerless videos on them so...beware.  This afternoon I visited  and came across two of the most awesome videos.  Well, I saw many awesome videos, but these two really spoke to me today so, I thought I would share them with you.  It is cold here in Plainview, Texas, but these videos will stir you up and warm your heart by the power of God.  Let me know what you think...


Find of the day is this easy to use key holder.  Very easy to remove the keys, yet very secure.Norm340400_lg
