Do pets go to heaven?
Meaningful Christmas

Notre Dame

For a bunch of years, I think nine, we traveled to South Bend, Indiana to the America's Youth on Parade competition held on the Notre Dame campus.  This was our 2 week summer home each year.  Only the elite twirlers and performance groups attended.    Chrissa had the opportunity to attend each year because she always won (brag, brag ;o)  either Regionals (5 states) or Texas state competition.  Twirling taught Chrissa so many things.  If you have never watched a twirler you should.  There are hours upon hours that are given to perfect each "trick".  Then the "tricks" are choreographed into routines, typically an x-strut, which has to do with the beat of the music and the baton not leaving your hands and a solo, which has to do with the baton leaving your hand and rolling over your body in various ways.  I could preach a sermon on the areas that twirling helps students in the learning area, the grooming area, the self-esteem area, the quickness area or the discipline area.  Here are Chrissa's baton's today...





Here is a picture of Chrissa with all her "winnings" as she retired...Chrissatwirl



and, here are the "winnings" as I took them up to the attic...001



Here is a shot of she and Tandi Gant (Mitchell) in the early days (Chrissa is the little girl).  Aren't they precious?  What a dear friendship!!!Chrissatandi





AND, I say all this to say this is why Aaron is such a HUGE Notre Dame or lose!!!  GO NOTRE DAME!!!

Find of the day is this wonderful tea bag caddy.  I love know me & organized!!!P32655b
