Gift Wrap

Christmases past

One thing about Christmas that we all do is remember Christmases from the past.  Hopefully they are good memories, but in truth we know that there are a few that are not so great.  One Christmas I had the flu and they put me at DJ and Anner's house across the street from the family Christmas at my grandparents.  I think that is the only really "bad" Christmas I can remember.  I do remember that my cousins always were given lots more gifts at Christmastime than we were by our grandparents.  My cousins had a hard childhood and they tried to make up for it.  It was very painful to me as a young child.  I would sit and watch them open gift after gift and did not understand why at that time.   They did not have parents to give them gifts and we did.  I see that now, but it still gives my heart a sad nudge.  This is why communication with children is so important.  If someone would have just told me, I would have understood.  Instead, I had my feelings crushed year after year.  I thought I was bad.  I still struggle with that from time to time.  For the most part, I have dealt with this and I do totally understand why.

On to all the wonderful Christmases.  I remember my dress-up wedding dress and the year I got the vacu-form & my brother and I played with it for hours!  I remember my mom fixing Christmas breakfast for the whole gang for years. I remember waking up really early and walking into the living room and seeing the beautifully lit tree and the gifts under the tree.  Warms my heart.  I especially remember the year I got a Tupperware comb & brush and a Bible from my Cranny & Bo...  I have so many others, I know you do, too.  I hope your Christmas will be filled with warm thoughts this year!!!


Find of the day are these little stretch bands that hold those pesky sized things in place!  1207drostrapsm
