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November 2007
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January 2008

In Ordinary Places...

Okay, a few days ago I shared with you some things God had shown me through the book, Home to Holly Springs.  I want to share a few more lines that stand out in the words written within.  Remember, this isn't a religious book, it is fiction, but it is about a Priest on a journey back home.  It is always amazing to me how God reveals himself to me in ordinary ways.  Being that I am extremely ordinary & all!

  1. How'm I gon' stand this Mama?  Mama said, Keep yo' eyes on God.  So I did.  In all that agony, my eyes were opened in a very strange, new way, an' I saw Jesus.  He was hangin' on th' cross.  He didn't see me, but I could see him, plain as day.  His suffering was so great that my own grew sweeter, an' not too long after that, all th' cuts an' hurt places healed.
  2. Thank you, Lord, for this inkling of what I hoped you'd give me.  It's a mere drop, but there's an ocean in the drop, and I take it as your assurance.
  3. I've got a lot to download on your mercy & grace.  I've always rushed up to you and dumped whatever it was and hurried away, fascinated by my own busyness.  I want to turn all this over to you, slowly, carefully, examining every fragment as I pass it off, so there'll never be any question about it again.
  4. One night, I came to the end of myself.  I hit a wall and I couldn't go over it or under it or around it or through it.  Dead end. 
  5. Let us weigh the gain and the loss, wagering that God IS.  Consider these alternatives ~ If you win, you win all.  If you lose, you lose nothing.  Do not hesitate, then, to wager that He IS.
  6. I prayed a prayer that went something like this: Thank you God, for loving me, and for sending your son to die for my sins.  I sincerely repent of my sins and turn my entire life over to you.  Amen.
  7. He leadeth me besides still waters & restoreth my soul.(which comes from the 23rd Psalm)

Psalm 23

1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, 3 He restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. 4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. 5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. 6 Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.



I'm liking these moccasins.  I remember as a child visiting Indian reservations and getting these.  Some were brown, some were white.  They were like wearing air!  74a0004_36_e Then there were the moccasins I wanted really badly when we were out in the boat on the lake.  Bo (my grandfather) assured me I didn't!  These were the deadly Water Moccasins, the snakes!  He held the lantern up and here they came...tons of them.  That is why we fished in the dark.  Now, for some reason, that doesn't seem too smart at all to me.  What if we caught one?  What if the boat turned over?  Why to this day do I have such a fear of snakes???  Here is what they look like!Cotton14jul07  Tip-toe!!!


My friend Jeanie sent me this forward, which is quite interesting since our worship time this morning (led by Dr. Travis Hart) was on pretty much this same topic!


Happy New Year 2008  -    365 NEW mornings,  52 PROMISING weeks, 12 months full of POSSIBILITES


3 Things things in life that, once gone, never come back

1. Time
2. Words

3. Opportunity

Three things in life that can destroy a person
1. Anger

2. Pride

3. Unforgiveness

Three things in life that you should never lose 

1. Hope

2. Peace

3. Honesty

Three things in life that are most valuable (I would put a relationship with Jesus Christ as the #1)

1. Love

2. Family & Friends

3. Kindness

Three things in life that are never certain

1. Fortune

2. Success

3. Dreams

Three things that are truly constant 

Father - Son - Holy Spirit

God's love is always with you, God's promises are true.
And when you give God all your cares, you know God will see you through.


2 Corinthians 5:7 ~ "We live by faith, not by sight."


I need to work on this right now.  I have been hurt multiple times in the past two years.  Each time I get close to working through my feelings and getting to a place of peace, something else will happen.  I know, put on my "big girl" panties and deal with it!  I do, but my personality is one that it takes a great deal to get to me period so...when something does hurt me, it is a deep hurt.  Immediately I go to God because I know that is the only place where I will find peace.  He always walks me through the valley.  That is such an assurance to me.


Somewhere I got this toothbrush.  It is a Preserve. P  It is a recycled toothbrush.  I know that sounds gross, but the brush is not recycled, but made from recycled yogurt containers.  Plus, each one comes with an envelope to return it to remake.  You can see the process on The Green, Robert Redford's show on the Sundance Channel, Tuesday's at 9pm.

Beautiful Windows

One thing I love about big cities are their retail store Christmas window displays.  Here are a few from 2007.  I did not take these.  Found them on a photo site. 

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There is a show, made for TV, that gives a glimpse into the great detail in the design of these windows that so many enjoy.  BUT, I saw a window today that rivals the Lord & Taylor's, Sak's, Neiman's, Tiffany's, etc.  It was in Lubbock, Texas, at College Flowers.  Brent (and I'm sure others) did this window.  It was beautiful!!!  Look at sure & click to enlarge it. Took it from my car window so you can't see the entire design, but let me assure you it is great.  Way to go B.E.!!!  It is a great eye candy design.Collegeflowers   




If you are into Wi-fi then you need this watch to show you the strength of nearby connections!  Wifi_detecting_watch

Sleep & Stress...

I woke up every hour all night last night.  I did this another day, last week.  It is so frustrating.  I never get a really good nights sleep.  Never have.  My friend Cindy told me to get a therapeutic mattress.  Says it saved their lives!  Any thoughts on this?


Drove to Lubbock early this morning around 8 AM.  Boy, the road was bad until after Hale Center and then it was clear.   Crazy!  I hate driving on ice.  A couple years ago my car was leaving the road and I was headed off and into who knows where.  I asked God to be with me.  The second most scared I've ever been.  I decided then that seeing a doctor was not worth that.  I hoped today would not be like that.  it wasn't!  It sure made for a less stressful trip!!!


A great little gadget to carry in your purse???  Bodygard_emergency_tool Read about it by clicking on "safety" in the right sidebar under Check this out...

Printed words...

I have mentioned before that each time I read any book I look for what God can teach me through the words.  I am finishing up Jan Karon's, Home to Holly Springs.  I would rate this book about a 3 on the scale of 1-5 overall, but in it are these words that ring so true and they cause me to really appreciate the novel. 

"I didn't feel called in the usual sense, not in the beginning.  In the beginning, I thought it was about being good, doing the right things, believing the right things.  And, of course, it is about all that, but it really doesn't work unless we're in relationaship with him.  I was in my forties before God cracked open my heart and revealed himself to me and I surrendered my life to him.  That was the breakthrough.  Before that, I was merely a man with an agenda.  After that, I was God's man and it was his agenda.  It has changed everything."

I am thankful for so many things, but mostly for the relationship I cherish with Jesus Christ.  He is my "drug" of choice!!!


Today's find is this Powerblock de-clutter cover I located over at notcot...

Christmas, Christmas time is here...and gone!

Here is our crew on Christmas morning.  013_3 Aren't we just the most festive???


This is my cousin Janis and her family.  We pretty much grew up together...

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Here are Chrissa and B...precious children!!!

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Here is my Zoey Belle




Today, I put away all the Christmas decorations inside.  Tomorrow I plan to do the lights outside.  Cleaned house and am ready for a New Year...ready to see where God leads me in service!!!


Find of the day is this new t-shirt company.  This company is Clinton's cousin's (step)son.  His brother died in a plane crash and now he and his friend have started this new company in memory of the brother.  Thus  They have both men's and women's ts!

Christmas Eve...

Hi everyone.  It is Christmas Eve and I pray that you find Peace this Christmastime.  Tonight we had Clinton's sister, Kathy's, birthday...she is 43!!!   Here is TC preparing the "fire".  004










Of course, we are 10 years older...gee! 

Here is Kathy and her son Koltin...he does love his picture made!!! 009




Here are Aaron & Chris because we MADE them let me take a picture...

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Kasey likes her picture made, too.  She will always strike a pretty pose!!!  Thanks Kasey!

Kayci .






Afterwards we went to the Christmas Eve candlelight service.  It was wonderful, as always (wrote about it over on the blog). 

Then we stopped by the Andrews for a little p-a-r-t-y.  It was getting pretty wild when we left!!! ;o) Here are a few pictures of some of the nicest people...

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Find of the day are these fun games to keep kids busy when you need them to sit still...Boy


Scan0001 Here is our newest "Wall" baby.  His name is Kyle & we had his Christmas today.  He is crawling everywhere and is a cutie.  His grandmother, Donna, is just "silly-googly" about him.  It has been funny to watch her.  Surely all grandmothers are not so absolutely crazy about their grandchildren???  OK, maybe they ARE!!!  I wish all children (young & old) a very Merry Christmas and the love that comes through knowing Jesus Christ as your personal savior.


We all need this surge protector with a 45 minute battery back-up in case our power goes off in the middle of some huge project (like ours did the other morning around 1 AM).  11x52wtgl__aa150_ It allows time for the power to cycle back on or for us to shut down properly!

I don't understand...

I don't understand why anyone would go to a restaurant and sit for 3 hours watching a football game...

I don't understand why people think they are better than another...

I don't understand war...

I don't understand political bashing...

I don't understand abusive people...

I don't understand computer guts...

I don't understand...way more than I do!  I guess the wonderful thing is that when we don't understand something that we try.  I'm trying. Doesn't mean I will approve, agree or ever comprehend though!!!


Here is the new BULLDOG fighting robe for the 2008-2009 school year...400158400152_1_big

Season of Love...

I just love Christmas (and Easter).  It is the Season of Love.  I LOVE how it feels.  You know I love art.  One of my friends gave me this perfect mixed media piece.  Click on it to enlarge.  It says, "The Lord takes broken pieces and by his love makes us whole."  This is my life story and I stay in His hands each and every day! 002



Speaking of is a wonderful necklace I found over at Delight.comTripleheartnecklace376