We all need to feel needed
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Tonight at church Travis shared some tips from a Lion's Club member from somewhere, not here, and related it to us. It was basically on getting Lion memberships and for us it was inviting others to church. Here is a YouTube video I found that is kind of funny, but true (at least parts)!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTyv1RwL3WM This is more on telling others about Jesus, but isn't that why we invite them to church...to know the Savior?
Several of these "excuses" applied to me. One reason, not on their 8", is that I really find it difficult to ask adults to attend church is because I teach in the children's area so I cannot be there for them in Sunday School. I guess I have never really separated Sunday School from church. I should invite you to worship and meet you there. But, Sunday School is where you find your support group and friends. That can come later, I suppose! I think the most important thing is that you, we, me know that we are needed.
So often, we want to be waited on and expect the church staff to do for us & in their kindness end up doing everything for us and soon...we discover we don't feel needed so we move on to where we feel needed. We all want to have a connection to God through service. I mean, if we are Believers, we should. Some just jump right in and find their place, others need to be asked, some prodded. It takes all kinds to make "the family" work. As we were reminded...we are God's children and so we become brothers and sisters according to the Word. In families, each sibling is unique and individual. That is just exactly how the family of God is. Each of us has a talent, many have many talents. Sometimes God uses my talent and other times he leads me to an area that uses my gift. We are such unique creations created for service and love...let's share the Good News!
I do want you to know my Savior because of all he has done for me in my life. He is my constant strength, he loves me unconditionally, it is through him that I am worthy, he answers prayer and much, much more. No one can ever shake my personal testimony because I have lived it, I live it and will live it for him. Now, before you think that I am perfect (are you laughing?) ...I am not. I sin, what feels like to me, more than most. I try to not...but I know that Satan really bugs those who are in the Word. You know though, the wonderful thing is that my sins are forgiven through the blood of Christ. Wow, that is powerful!!!
And this song comes to mind:
When He saw what had to be done
He sent His one and only son
Our God is and awesome God
He was sent from up above
To tell us of His undying love
Our God is an awesome God
When His blood shed that day
He took and washed our sins away
Our God is and awesome God
Greater is He that is in me
Than he that is in the world
Our God is an awesome God
Our God is an awesome God
He reigns from heaven above with wisdom
power and love our God is an awesome God!
Find of the day for those of us who like to stay organized...or those who like to write notes and stack stuff... I think both groups will find this fun!