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October 2007
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December 2007

Stained glass...

I like stained class because of the colors.  First Baptist Church has the most beautiful stained glass that tells stories.  It is awesome!!!  The City National Bank building (now a Catholic church) has a pretty one.  Unless you go in their church you will never see it.  Today at the cemetery we looked in the Mausoleum to see the stained glass window.  Here is the first picture I took through the dirty glass.  The three-in-one appears to me as it often does in my pictures.  You need to click on this to enlarge to see it.  There is only one window.  This is what God showed me!!!006



Here is another shot of the same window...just a corner peeled back to show the Light! 008




Then some pictures of our stained glass pieces.  We don't have many, but I love the ones we do have.017_3 009 010 012 013 015






  1. A piece from the first arts & crafts show here years ago from my mom
  2. Our dining area light
  3. From the old sanctuary of FBC
  4. From our dear friend Travis
  5. Butterfly from my mom (another arts & crafts show piece)
  6. One I designed years ago.  Made by Betty Gouldy.  Our dads always hit their heads on it at the 17th Street house!


Find of the day is a new design that should be available next year are one of the firsts to see this game!  Door ping-pong!!!  Pingpongdoor_48

My Veteran

My dad was a Veteran.  001

He never talked about serving in the Navy.  It was not a pleasant time in his life.  You know, I get my "homebody-ness" from him so, this had to be the most miserable time of his life.  The only time we ever talked about him serving was when the male teenagers in our family wanted a piercing in their ear.  Since Paw-paw had one then it must be okay, right?  Here is John Phillip Dayton,U.S. Navy...


I'm not sure if you can see his earring unless you click on the picture to enlarge it, but he has one!  I love this picture!!!  I'm blessed to have it as a reminder of those who sacrifice for us.  My dad did, many others did and many more still are.  Let's respect that freedom they keep safe for us.

When my dad died in 1995, I kept several of his shirts.  They smelled like my dad and I needed that closeness for a while.  We do "funny" things when we lose those we love.  Not that they are really funny, but we do things that may seem strange to others to help us heal.  So, thus keeping the shirts!  After a few years, I decided to take these shirts and insert them into a "daddy" quilt.  I enjoy this quilt so much.  It is where I see it every day and is a constant reminder of the love my dad had for me.  It is one of two special blankets that I use.  I have quilts my Cranny made, a quilt my dad made with his mom, denim quilts I made for our kids, but this one is made from his worn, soft, cotton shirts.  Do you have something so special?  Here it on it to see how beautifully fun it is!!!





My find of the day, I actually saw at Spear's Furniture in Lubbock one day.  I absolutely fell in love with these dishes... You can get several different "sets" or mix them up.  They are dishwasher & microwave safe!  They have a black rim that really looks platinum.  Each one has a scripture reference.  What a perfect way to bring God to your table!  Check them out in the right sidebar at the on-line store I located them on!!!  Love, love these!!!Faith20520piece

Teeth Cleaning...

Today I went to Aber's office to have my neighbor, LeAnn, clean my teeth.  She makes you feel so at ease.  So in honor of I share some interesting poems about teeth.  Now, who has time to write these things???

Got My Toothpaste

Got my toothpaste, got my brush,

I won't hurry, I won't rush.

Making sure my teeth are clean,

Front and back and in between.

When I brush for quite a while,

I will have a happy smile!

I found this great poem about how to tell the age of a horse by their teeth...


To tell the age of any horse
Inspect the lower jaw of course;
The six front teeth the tale will tell,
And every doubt and fear dispel.

Two middle nippers you behold
Before the colt is two weeks old;
Before eight weeks two more will come
Eight months: the corners cut the gum.

At two the middle "Nippers" drop:
At three the second pair can't stop;
When four years old the third pair goes,
At five a full new set he shows.

The deep black spots will pass from view
At six years from the middle two;
The second pair at seven years;
At eight the spot each corner clears.

From the middle "Nippers" upper jaw
At nine the black spots will withdraw.
The second pair at ten are bright;
Eleven finds the corners light.

As time goes on the horsemen know
The oval teeth three-sided grow;
Then longer get - project before -
Till twenty, when they know no more."

and this one about our teeth...


Teeth are the hard tribe of the head.
Caught in a cave they grind and tear,
break air to sparks
thrown out against the dark,
canoe men and women of the mouth,
little people of the cave
who carve the words.

-- David Thornbrugh

and this one to remind us...

Brush Your Teeth

(sung to "Row, Row, Row your Boat")

Brush, brush, brush your teeth, at least two times a day.

Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning, cleaning, fighting tooth decay.

Floss, floss, floss your teeth, every single day.

Gently, gently, gently, gently, whisking Plaque away.

Rinse, rinse, rinse your teeth, every single day.

Swishing, swishing, swishing, swishing, fighting tooth decay.


Look at this great find of the day for the loved one who has EVERYTHING... a personal DNA framed print!!! L_64542


For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.  Ephesians 2:10

I have been thinking alot lately about how an individual might feel who is constantly brought down by the criticism of others.  You know I say often that my worthiness comes from God.  I believe this with all that is within me.  I want to share this with others.  I want those who hurt with low self-esteem because of this to know they are loved by the only One that matters.  Does that make living worth doing?  I believe it does.  When we take the focus off self and onto others...that is where we find ourselves the happiest.

Find of the day is this great little treasured photo wallet...13735253_70_b

Wrong again!

Have you ever been wrong about someone?  Well, I misjudged someone.  I didn't really because of what I knew about them to begin with being true and that is what I was going, I am somewhat right, right?  But, I saw a different side today.  I think that is what makes living so wonderful.  How you can think one thing and God can reveal something else for us to see, to learn from.  I had to "eat crow" on this one.  I think you know I am very accepting and I realize that God created everyone worthy.  Every once in a while though, I become "normal" and form opinions!!!  Wrong again!!! ;o)

Today's find is this wonderful mirror...10755__dp__e300x250 just you and your pearls!!!

Worry to Trust

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34

This scripture helps me so much to know that I should just concentrate on where I can serve God in each day that he allows me to breathe.  I don't think he is saying to not be prepared, to plan, but to trust him for our needs and to let him be our guide.  When we do this our days are just so much more peaceful and we can handle anything through him...says so in Philippians 4:13.  If we are in a relationship with Christ then we WILL be tested.  Satan doesn't mess with those who are in his grip, why bother?  The wonderful thing is that God does bother with us when we stray.  It troubles him greatly when we fall and our forgiveness is in the blood of Jesus.  It is a good thing because I am a sinner and I am blessed to know Jesus Christ in a personal way and am assured of eternal life through him. 

Tomorrow is the "big" election here in Plainview, (for or against package stores in the city limits of Plainview).  I have shared with you over the last several months the process of me determining my vote.  I have already voted.  For me it came down to me voting yes would be a vote to approve something that could harm someone else.  I did not, do not want that responsibility.  I voted against.  It is just that simple for me.  I do believe our community needs more money and have said if we would all shop here this would not be an issue.  We would be rich! ;o)  I will be glad when tomorrow is over and I know that whichever way it goes...I voted my heart.  God will bless that.

I have been having nightmares again.  I do not like to dream.  My dreams are never good ones.  I think that is why I do not like to go to sleep.  As a child I had extreme nightmares.  I would be in my bed frozen in fear.  I could not speak to call my parents and I could not get up to go to them much of the time.  For years I did not dream, or did not remember if I did.  Recently though...if I do they are the kind where you wake up in total fear or distress.  The only "good" dreams I can remember are the ones where I can fly above everything.  I think those are just to escape from what is real.  I'm waiting for my blog readers to diagnose me ;o)  CRAZY GIRL!!! 

Find of the day is this book that we all should get & can get at any book store.  I found this at Uncommon Goods and I found it on Amazon.081185986x_norm


I want to share a really fun shopping site with you. has some of the newest items out there.  My find of the day is from their site... is their "Driin" mobile phone holder.  This site is one of the best put together sites on the web.  It is tight...thus no copy & pasting of pictures.  Oh, in case you are wondering how to pronounce their name???  mix-ee-pliz-ik and they say it was inspired by a character from an early Superman comic!  They are known for their quirky mix of affordable items from around the world!  I recommend you snooping in their or in Greenwich Village, New York!

Now, for the picture of the day...003 YES, this is a small portion of the buttons and marbles all over the utility floor!  I knocked over the solid crystal dish that was their holder & shattered it.  Thus, a mess!!!  First the car yesterday, this today...waiting on numero 3!  They do come in 3s right???  Oh well, I am so excited that the tile floor was not cracked that I am H-A-P-P-Y!!!  See, there is something good in every situation when we look :o)  I'm still looking on the car deal...maybe that I didn't drive through the wall???  Ha-ha!!!  Well, could have happened.  I better be careful.  Trying to do too much, too fast!  Slow down...that is my goal for the week.  Hope yours is filled with blessings that you realize are from God!!!

Good & Bad...

Today was good, well, and bad.  The Coats for Kids went great.  Some really precious kids got new coats!

I worked some today.

Took all the items filling the garage from the carpet clean out to the Salvation Army...except for a black antique trunk.

That brings me to the bad news... 

After the grocery store as I pulled into the garage trying to leave enough room on my side to get the groceries out I hit the corner of the trunk on my car.  See...





Find of the day is this nice dog house fit for the better dogs in life!  Digimarc