We all need to feel needed
Me a Blogger???


005Today Chrissa & B came in for a visit...actually for the "Big" game Saturday. (Tech & OU) Well, and for Thanksgiving & their birthday celebration!  Their birthdays are the 25th and the 28th of November!  Any-hoo, I picked up these flowers to brighten the kitchen for their visit.  Our kids always add "color" to our lives.  That is one of the blessings of children.  They are like a box of crayons, sometimes they are a color you love, the next moment they are a color you don't really appreciate, then they quickly are that color you never dreamed would turn out to be so beautiful...with each color you realize how truly amazing they are.  So many colors from one box of crayons!


Find of the day is this really contemporary & fun organizer-storage-art piece called "Amigos Monkey"!  Amigo_monkey
