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September 2007
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November 2007

A little bookmark...

011 Today I made these bookmarks.  I think they turned out pretty cute.  I was going to overlayer them with clear, but I love the "flatness" of the colors.  Anyway, that is one thing that I created today.  I did some notes for a friend's birthday. Need to get them in the mail so they will make it to Cali...  I cooked stuffed bell peppers with a twist tonight.  They were good.  Just piddlin' 'round most the day. 



Notice today's verse in the that a coincidence???  With early voting starting tomorrow, I don't think so!  I don't pick these scriptures folks!!!  Here it is: Wine is a mocker and beer a brawler; whoever is led astray by them is not wise. Proverbs 20:1

Find of the day is this wonderful newborn "bassinet"...Cullabelly02

Good character...

Platonicus, from first century B.C. said, "If I keep my good character, I shall be rich enough."  Our character comes from how we present ourselves before others. 



Be honest • Don’t deceive, cheat or steal • Be reliable — do what you say you’ll do • Have the courage to do the right thing • Build a good reputation • Be loyal — stand by your family, friends and country


Treat others with respect; follow the Golden Rule • Be tolerant of differences • Use good manners, not bad language • Be considerate of the feelings of others • Don’t threaten, hit or hurt anyone • Deal peacefully with anger, insults and disagreements


Do what you are supposed to do • Persevere: keep on trying! • Always do your best • Use self-control • Be self-disciplined • Think before you act — consider the consequences • Be accountable for your choices


Play by the rules • Take turns and share • Be open-minded; listen to others • Don’t take advantage of others • Don’t blame others carelessly


Be kind • Be compassionate and show you care • Express gratitude • Forgive others • Help people in need


Do your share to make your school and community better • Cooperate • Get involved in community affairs • Stay informed; vote • Be a good neighbor • Obey laws and rules • Respect authority • Protect the environment



Trustworthiness : blue
Think "true blue"

Respect : yellow/gold
Think The Golden Rule

Responsibility : green
Think being responsible for a garden or finances; or as in being solid and reliable like an oak

Fairness : orange
Think of dividing an orange into equal sections to share fairly with friends

Caring : red
Think of a heart

Citizenship : purple
Think regal purple as representing the state

Find of the day are these beautiful jewelry pins!  Vivpins

New books...

I bought 5 new books today to read so...I'll list them in the right sidebar & let you know how I liked them later on.  I also got this great little book called, 350 Fabulous Writing Prompts.  I'm going to use them to write some of my blogs. 


I'm going to start with this one...


Pretend you can be transported back in time to meet any famous person in the world.  Who would you choose to meet? 

Of course I would love to meet Jesus face to face and I will one day.  The person that I would choose today to meet would be Mary, mother of Jesus.  Of course, I will meet her one day, too.  Is that not way cool?  Being a mother, I would just like a one on one though.

What's the first thing you way say to her?

Luke 2:35 says, "A sword will pierce your own soul"  I would ask Mary, mother of Jesus, to tell me about raising one part of the Trinity.  I would ask her how it was to raise a different child, one that was rejected by many and ultimately crucified.  I would ask her how she handled the pain.  I would thank her for being a servant that God could use.  I would ask her to share with me how to be more available for God's service.


Find of the day is this great apple corer...Esapple_m

Down Memory Lane...

Today my friend Debby and her sister Delmarie came to town for their Aunt Vera's funeral.  We ate at the Far East and that was a treat for us all.  I asked Debby (whom I have known since we were two, so 50 years) if Aunt Vera had blond hair.  She said reddish blond.  When we got to the funeral they had a picture of her where the family was gathered and it was her...exactly as I remembered her.  I remember playing with the Spann family through Debby, who was related to them.  There is Spann road here & it is named for these Spanns.  I can remember going to their homes on Spann Road.  Then, Vera & JD moved to south Broadway in the "stone" house.  I can remember thinking they were rich.  We had such fun playing at their house.  Today they talked about Vera pulling limbs from the willow tree in her yard to whip you if you misbehaved...strange, I remember that...maybe she threatened us, but I know she didn't spank me.  I do remember it being a place where we wanted to, she must have been kind and caring.  So today, Vera Mae Alexander Spann was remembered for her life here.  I saw Monte who we went to school with and his son Bucky, who looked great...such a nice young man.  We talked to Kay who is getting her Masters starting in the spring and Codee who now has a 17 year old daughter & doesn't look a day over 17 herself!!!  It is nice that Vera (or Nanny as she was called) touched so many lives. Isn't that what this life is all about...making a difference?  I took this picture today that reminded me of the beauty and delicacy that God placed even in a weed!!!  Click on it to see it in a larger format.003




Find of the day is this trampoline tent.  I want one!!!  Of course we don't have a trampoline, but if I did I would get one!!!Product_full437

Test & Hold

1 Thessalonian 5:21 says, "Test everything. Hold on to the good."  The two words that caught my interest today are test and hold. I usually go to the dictionary to get a definition in my mind.  It helps my thought process. 

The word test is defined as, the means by which the presence, quality, or genuineness of anything is determined; a means of trial.

Hold is defined as, to have or keep in the mind; think or believe and to have or keep in the hand; keep fast; grasp.

We are tested every second of every day.  We must make choices and we have to decide...this way or that.  I think it is important to step back and "test" things that affect others.  Like a trial, weighing the evidence, listening, searching for the truth.  Decisions we make need to come from soul searching for what is best for us personally, but more importantly, for our witness to others.  When it comes down to it...I think of this song:

Let Others See Jesus in You

While passing thro' this world of sin, And others your life shall view, Be clean and pure without, within, Let others see Jesus in you.

Let others see Jesus in you, Let others see Jesus in you; Keep telling the story, be faithful and true, Let others see Jesus in you.

Your life's a book before their eyes, They're reading it thro' and thro', Say, does it point them to the skies, Do others see Jesus in you?

Let others see Jesus in you, Let others see Jesus in you; Keep telling the story, be faithful and true, Let others see Jesus in you.

What joy 'twill be at set of sun, In mansions beyond the blue, To find some souls that you have won; Let others see Jesus in you.

Let others see Jesus in you, Let others see Jesus in you; Keep telling the story, be faithful and true, Let others see Jesus in you.

Then live for Christ both day and night, Be faithful, be brave, and true, And lead the lost to life and light; Let others see Jesus in you.

Let others see Jesus in you, Let others see Jesus in you; Keep telling the story, be faithful and true, Let others see Jesus in you.

We need to hold on to the Hope.  We need to stand firm in what the Word says.  We need to hold onto the thought that we are here for others to know our Father.  Wow, when I think of that I wonder if I do enough?  I'm not talking about busy things.  I'm talking about getting on my knees in prayer and knowing where God wants me to serve, who I need to tell and that reminds me of this song:

I Love to Tell the Story

I love to tell the story of unseen things above,
Of Jesus and His glory, of Jesus and His love.
I love to tell the story, because I know ’tis true;
It satisfies my longings as nothing else can do.

I love to tell the story, ’twill be my theme in glory,
To tell the old, old story of Jesus and His love.

I love to tell the story; more wonderful it seems
Than all the golden fancies of all our golden dreams.
I love to tell the story, it did so much for me;
And that is just the reason I tell it now to thee.

I love to tell the story, ’twill be my theme in glory,
To tell the old, old story of Jesus and His love.

I love to tell the story; ’tis pleasant to repeat
What seems, each time I tell it, more wonderfully sweet.
I love to tell the story, for some have never heard
The message of salvation from God’s own holy Word.

I love to tell the story, ’twill be my theme in glory,
To tell the old, old story of Jesus and His love.

I love to tell the story, for those who know it best
Seem hungering and thirsting to hear it like the rest.
And when, in scenes of glory, I sing the new, new song,
’Twill be the old, old story that I have loved so long.

I love to tell the story, ’twill be my theme in glory,
To tell the old, old story of Jesus and His love.

Find of the day...album frames.  You don't know what an album is?  It is the great-granddad of the CD!!!P1368h

Nephew Brock...

Tonight we celebrated our nephew, Brock's, 18th birthday.  I just love him.  He is creative and unique and knows he is loved.  He is loved so much that he cannot wait to leave this place and get far away!  That's how we know he cares!!!  Anyway, he is an artist.  I'm still waiting for my piece from him...maybe one day!  Hey, Brock, whas' up with that?  Give me some love here!!!  So, I took a few pictures at the "fam" party and in his honor I have spent some time giving them the look of shwange!  Shwange is my new word for making slight alterations to the visual (shwack+change=shwange).  So, HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY our special Brock!!!  Click on the picture to enlarge if you would like to...







Kasey says, "I'm just BLUE for you Brock, being that you are 18 and all!!!




Sly & the Wall












Grrr, I'm the "hot-dog"!


Finger in mouth, yikes, it's GONE!









Flippin' fire!






Double Trouble!!!



"Neon Sign"






Uncle T...






The Brockster !





Kasey Tiles...


Find of the day... this wonderful "6- pack" vase maker!







A modern cartridge consists of the following:
1. the bullet itself, which serves as the projectile;
2. the casing, which holds all parts together;
3. the propellant, for example gunpowder or cordite;
4. the rim, part of the casing used for loading;
5. the primer, which ignites the propellant.

I do not like anything about shooting anything living.  I have to face that it happens, I'm not that naive.  Doesn't make me feel any better about it though.  The diagram above comes from Wikipedia.  I think there is an interesting correlation that we need to look at:

1. the bullet is our words

2. the casing is our lips

3. the propellant is our mouth

4. the rim is our mind

5. the primer is our attitude

Be careful of what "bullet" you are shooting because when it hits it is painful and can kill.

Matthew 12:35b "...and the evil man brings evil things stored up in him."


Speaking of bullets, here is a good one!

re-Find of the day...the Magic Bullet!!!  I LOVE mine. (thanks FY) T_77_01

Who is God?

Today Dr. Claude Lusk spoke at our church in the absence of Dr. Travis Hart.  I watched Claude grow up so...this was a nice treat.  He shared a couple stories from the Plainview Daily Herald on the "atheist" topic and I found that sad, in some odd way, that our local newspaper had them in it.  Not that it is not their right, their job, but just saddened me that there really are those who remain hopeless. There are a couple things that came into this old brain of mine today as God spoke through Claude.  I remind you that the following words are not quotes from Dr. Lusk, but my thoughts from God as he spoke.

The first thought is that atheists say they do not believe in God.  I question this because when you don't believe in something it is nonexistant and you have no concern with it.  If atheists, deep within their souls, had no fear of God then they would find no need to rise up against him.

The next "enlightenment" is, It isn't so much about how BIG God is, but how BIG he is reflected through our lives!

and then...I've never seen the TV show, Desperate Housewives, but Claude asked us if we had a "desperate" faith, and I thought of the popularity of the show and the popularity of Christ Jesus.  Are we at a place in time when our entertainment opportunities have overtaken our brains and filled them so full of filth that we are losing hope in our lives, our communities, our state, our nation & God's world?

Then after church, I was flipping through the Sunday edition of the PDH and came to a letter to the editor.  There were several, but the others were regarding the upcoming "allowing package stores in the city limits of Plainview" election.  I went to the to give you the link for this one lettter and the LttE page is down!  Maybe you can click and see this larger.  001I know both men, Richard & David.  I know Richard through auctions and in passing at the Herald.  We get along just fine.  We have never gotten really deep in a religion discussion, but I have known his belief from our brief conversations and his editorials. I know he knows my belief in Jesus Christ as my personal savior, too.  I pray for him.  I have since his wife was so ill.  I prayed for him when he lost her.  I prayed for him when he had other valleys that God has allowed me the knowledge of.  I will continue to... 


I know David.  I knew him as Godly man with a wonderful family.  I totally understand what he is conveying.  It is hard not to get frustrated when others do not believe as we believe and especially not believe at all. But, this goes further...we must stand up for our God because one day we will all face him and be held accountable for what we did [or did not do] in his name. 


(An added note: As I'm studying to teach our 2nd graders for next Sunday, I am reminded of this scripture: 2 Timothy 2:23-24 ~ Don't have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. And the Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.) We now have both sides of the story and it is up to us to decide the truth...through prayer and Bible study.


All I know is what I know and that is my relationship with Christ is real.  I have prayed and my prayers have been answered.  I have helped others in his name and have been blessed beyond measure.  I can talk to God and he hears me.  I have been held in the palm of his hands and given the hope I needed to face another day.  For me, it is the only way.  I hope others see that in me and want the same thing.  The peace, the worthiness, the promise of life eternal.  I don't pretend to understand it all.  I know that each time I am in the Word, God reveals to me.  I know in each valley of my life, when I cannot move forward, he carries me.  Much more, no less!  My God is an awesome God.


A friend, Rebecca sent me this little ditty:  thought it might help you.





You say: "It's impossible"

God says: All things are possible

(Luke 18:27)

You say: "I'm too tired"

God says: I will give you rest

(Matthew 11:28-30)

You say: "Nobody really loves me"

God says: I love you

(John 3:1 6 & John3:34 )

You say: "I can't go on"

God says: My grace is sufficient

(II Corinthians 12:9 & Psalm 91:15)

You say: "I can't figure things out"

God says: I will direct your steps

(Proverbs 3:5- 6)

You say: "I can't do it"

God says: You can do all things

(Philippians 4:13)

You say: "I'm not able"

God says: I am able

(II Corinthians 9:8)

You say: "It's not worth it"

God says: It will be worth it

(Roman 8:28 )

You say: "I can't forgive myself"

God says: I Forgive you

(I John 1:9 & Romans 8:1)

You say: "I can't manage"

God says: I will supply all your needs

(Philippians 4:19)

You say: "I'm afraid"

God says: I have not given you a spirit of fear

(II Timothy 1:7)

You say: "I'm always worried and frustrated"

God says: Cast all your cares on ME

(I Peter 5:7)

You say: "I'm not smart enough"

God says: I give you wisdom

(I Corinthians 1:30)

You say: "I feel all alone"

God says: I will never leave you or forsake you

(Hebrews 13:5)

Find of the day is this great little picture hanging helper!




Okay, let me tell you what I am doing.  I am taking part in a "swap".  Now, it is just me swapping with someone else.  This doesn't sound good does it?  Well, a fellow blogger named Mindy Princess of Everything, included me in this one.  She does them pretty often & we were talking about it and I said I might give it a whirl.  So, if we wanted to participate in the blog swap we sent her our info and she matched us up.  She asked if we would do International to let her know and I said, sure! I was matched up with Lorna from Finland. Wow, was I surprised when I saw her email...seethroughfaith@...  which is exactly what our xray represents!  She is attending seminary and is a believer in Jesus and is about my age.  Gee, that Mindy is good at matching.  Maybe she should join forces with Dr. Phil on his deal!  Anyway, the swap is that we fill one mailer envelope with as much stuff as we can for that person (after we read each others blogs and ask favorites) and mail it to them.  Kind of a grab bag deal.  We are to spend no more than 10.00, which is near impossible, but doable.  Anyway, mine is ready to ship to Lorna and I sure hope there is at least one thing she loves.  You should think about starting a swap!


Find of the day...foot massaging reflexology!P0005633g

Woody & Hummy, Chapter "Won"


In the most recent of times, in a country that is free, traveled two birds.  One, a hardheaded Woodpecker who spent her days pounding the bark of a tree in search of treasure.  The other, a Hummingbird that flitted to and fro with wings that took her to many wonderful places.Hummy

It happened that, at a moment in time that was not by accident, the two winged creations landed within the same garden.

On this fine day, the Woodpecker discovers a big Oak tree full of treasure and begins her knock, knock, knocking.  The Hummingbird relishes in the beautiful, fragrant flowers  of the garden as her beak enjoys the Honeysuckle nectar.

The Hummingbird and the Woodpecker had many opportunities to pass each other and to share their thoughts throughout the day.  It wasn't long until they were encouraging each other in their knock, knock, knocking and flitting.  One day, as they were sharing their wonderful garden they knew they were at a place where they trusted calling each other by their friendship names, Woody & Hummy.


Find of the day...this great desktop CD tray!664_191212_3